
Weekly Schedule September 2021 - June 2022

June 26th  -  June 30th



Please Note: 

Monday - Shortened CREW 9:00 - 9:05 - Attendance only

Joke of the Day: Why did the pony ask for a glass of water? Because it was a little horse.

Tuesday -  Shortened CREW 9:00 - 9:05 - Attendance only

Joke of the Day: What does cake and baseball have in common? They both need a batter.

Wednesday - Shortened CREW 9:00 - 9:05 - Attendance only

Joke of the Day:  Did you hear about the guy who afraid of hurdles? He got over it.

Thursday - Report Card Pick Up Day.  In Session from 9-10

Joke of the Day: Why did the drum go to bed? It was beat.

Friday - Admin Day - NO School for Students

Joke of the Day: Why did the computer go to bed? It needed to crash.

June 19th  -  June 23rd



Please Note: 

Monday - Shortened CREW 9:00 - 9:05 - Attendance only

Joke of the Day: How do you get a squirrel to like you? Act like a nut.

Tuesday -  Shortened CREW 9:00 - 9:05 - Attendance only

Joke of the Day: What do you call someone with no body and no nose? Nobody knows.

Wednesday - Shortened CREW 9:00 - 9:05 - Attendance only

Joke of the Day:  Why can't a nose be 12 inches long? Because then it would be a foot.

Thursday - Extended CREW -  9:00 - 9:51 - Assembly 

Joke of the Day: That car looks nice but the muffler seems exhausted.

 Friday - Shortened CREW -  9:00 - 9:05  Attendance only

Joke of the Day: Shout out to my fingers. I can count on all of them.

June 12th  -  June 16th



Please Note: 

Monday - Grade 7 WEB leader welcome

Joke of the Day: Why did everyone enjoy being around the volcano?  It's just so lava-ble

Tuesday -  LAST full CREW class

Joke of the Day: What did the fisherman say to the magician?  "Pick a cod, any cod"

Wednesday - Shortened CREW 9:00 - 9:05 - Attendance only

Joke of the Day:  What's red, white, blue and yellow?  The Star-Spangled Banana!

Thursday - Shortened CREW -  9:00 - 9:05 -Attendance only

Joke of the Day: What did Mars ask Saturn?  "Hey, can you give me a ring some time?"

 Friday - Shortened CREW -  9:00 - 9:05  Attendance only

Joke of the Day: What did one Dorito farmer say to the other? "Cool ranch!"

June 5th  -  June 9th



Please Note: 

Monday - Pride Week Launch

Joke of the Day: What do you call a penguin in the White House?  Lost.

Kickball Rules Reminder:

Tuesday - Kickball Participants: 

Field 1 - Ball vs Martin    Field 2 - Hayhurst vs Dennis    Field 3 - Smith vs Pennell    Field 4 - McGuigan vs Gagliano 

Joke of the Day: How does a boar sign its name?  With a pigpen.

Wednesday - Kickball Participants:

Field 1 - Hill vs Wiebe          Field 2 - Allardyce vs Irving       Field 3 - Luthin vs Laverock        Field 4 - Sides vs Lonstrup 

Joke of the Day:  Want to hear a potassium joke? K.

Thursday - CREW Connection Day

Joke of the Day: Want to hear a joke about paper?  Nevermind.  It's tearable!

 Friday - Kickball Participants

Field 1 - Vicaretti vs Spiers         Field 2 - Peters vs Nuessler       Field 3 - Zimmerman vs Ikari       Field 4 -  Ward vs Withers

Joke of the Day: Is the pool safe for diving?  It deep-ends.

May 29th -  June 2nd 



Please Note: 

Monday - Kickball Rules Day

Joke of the Day: Did you hear about the factory that exploded in France?  There was nothing left but de-Brie!

Please use this time to go over the Rules for Kickball before you play this week.  

Kickball Rules:

Tuesday - Kickball Participants: 

Field 1 - Hill vs Martin           Field 2 - Laverock vs Irving         Field 3 -  McGuigan vs Ball       Field 4 -  Smith vs Gagliano

Joke of the Day: what did the flowers do when the bride walked down the aisle? They rose. 

If you are not participating in kickball, you can pick one of these two activities

Tribond Quiz Game 


Wednesday - Kickball Participants:

Field 1 - Vicaretti vs. Spiers           Field 2 - Hayhurst vs Ikari        Field 3 -  Zimmermann vs Withers       Field 4 -  Ward vs Sides

Joke of the Day:  Why are snails bad at racing?  They're sluggish.

Thursday - CREW Connection Day

Joke of the Day: What did the ocean say to the boat?  Nothing, it just waved.  


Friday - Kickball Participants

Field 1 - Peters vs Nuessler          Field 2 - Allardyce vs Dennis       Field 3 -  Wiebe vs Lonstrup      Field 4 Luthin vs Pennell

Joke of the Day: Why do trees seem suspicious on sunny days?  They just seem a little shady!

May 22nd - 26th 



Please Note: 

Monday - No School 

Joke of the Day: What kind of tea do you drink with the King?  Royal-tea

Tuesday - Grade 7 WEB Leader Evaluations -- GREEN HOUSE

Joke of the Day: Why did Billy get fired from the banana factory? He kept throwing away the bent ones.

Wednesday - Grade 7 WEB Leader Evaluations -- YELLOW HOUSE

Joke of the Day:  What did Tennessee?  The same thing as Arkansas

Thursday - Grade 7 WEB Leaders Evaluations -- RED HOUSE

Joke of the Day: What do you call a company started by baboons?  A monkey business!


Friday - Grade 7 WEB Leaders Evaluations -- BLUE HOUSE

Joke of the Day: Can a kangaroo jump higher than the Empire State Building?  Of course! Buildings can't jump.

May 15th - 19th



Please Note: 

Monday - WEB Leaders in Training --- Inside Out Day

Joke of the Day: What does a cow use to do math? A cow-culator

Tuesday - Crazy Hat/Hair Day

Joke of the Day: What did the drummer name his twin daughters?  Anna One, Anna Two!

Wednesday - Crazy Sock Day  (Reminder: Grade 5 Play Day in the morning today)

Joke of the Day:  Wheat would bears be without the letter B?  Ears.

Thursday - CREW Connection Day - Sunglasses Day

Joke of the Day: What's a crafty dancer's favorite hobby?  Cutting a rug.

Cards and Board game are always a great way to have students connect without phones. 


Friday - House Color Day - Assembly!

Joke of the Day: What month do all troops hate?  March

Assembly in the Gym

May 8th - 12th



Please Note: 

Monday - Moose Hide Campaign - Day 1 

Joke of the Day: I used to play piano by ear.  Now I use my hands. 

Tuesday - WEB Leader Application Day

Joke of the Day: What does a nosy pepper do? It gets Jalapeno business!

Wednesday - Moose Hide Campaign - Day 2

Joke of the Day:  What do you call a hot dog on wheels?  Fast Food!

Thursday -  Moose Hide Campaign - Day 3 (With WEB Leaders)

Joke of the Day: Which state has the most streets?  Rhode Island.



Joke of the Day: What do you call a fibbing cat?  A lion.

Show the following PROMO video in CREW to advertise for the upcoming staff vs students Dodgeball game on Friday, May 19th 

Feel free to plan an activity for your CREW class today.  Kahoot, Blooket, Sporcle are always fun and engaging.  

A few other Online Games available are as follows:

Cards and Board game are always a great way to have students connect without phones. 

May 1st - 5th



Please Note: 

Monday - WEB Leaders in Training 

Joke of the Day: Did you know corduroy pillows are in style?  They're making headlines.

Tuesday - BINGO  Classes in gym for Ping Pong Challenge: McGuigan, Nuessler, Ward, Pennell 

Joke of the Day: Have you ever tried to catch a fog?  I tried yesterday, but I mist.

Wednesday - Bingo  Classes in gym for Ping Pong Challenge:  Vicaretti, Ball, Laverock, Martin

Joke of the Day:  Why did Anakin Skywalker cross the road?  To get to the Dark Side. 

Thursday - CREW Connection Day

Joke of the Day: Why do nurses carry red pens?  In case they have to draw blood!

Cards and Board game are always a great way to have students connect without phones. 


Friday - Circle Games  Classes in gym for Ping Pong Challenge:  Zimmermann, Hill, Lonstrup, Irving

Joke of the Day: How do you make an octopus laugh?  Ten-tickles!

Two circle games (play both)

April 24th - 28th



Please Note: 

Monday - WEB Leaders in Training 

Joke of the Day: Have you read the book about hands?  It's a real page - turner.

Tuesday -  Can you Get to 10 (Dice Game) Classes in gym for Ping Pong Challenge: Smith, Hayhurst, Dennis, Sides

Joke of the Day: How do you row a boat filled with puppies?  Bring out the doggy paddle.

Wednesday - Beetle (Dice Game) Classes in gym for Ping Pong Challenge: Luthin, Allardyce, Ikari, Peters 

Joke of the Day:  What kind of shoes does a lazy person wear?  Loafers

Thursday - CREW Connection Day

Joke of they Day: How do you make an egg giggle?  Tell it a yolk.

Cards and Board game are always a great way to have students connect without phones. 


Friday - Three or More (Dice Game)  Classes in gym for Ping Pong Challenge: Wiebe, Withers, Gagliano, Spiers

Joke of the Day: What kind of car does a sheep like to drive? A LAMBorghini!

Rolls score as follows:

3 of a kind = 3 points

4 of a kind = 6 points

5 of a kind = 12 points

April 17th - 21st



Please Note: 

Monday - WEB Leaders in Training 

Joke of the Day: 

Tuesday - Round The Clock Dice Game  

Joke of the Day: W   

Wednesday - Stuck in the Mud Dice Game

Joke of the Day:  

Thursday - CREW Connection Day

Joke of they Day: 

Cards and Board game are always a great way to have students connect without phones. 


Friday - Chicago Dice Game 

Joke of the Day: Why do bees have sticky hair?  

April 17th - 21st



Please Note: 

Monday - WEB Leaders in Training 

Joke of the Day: What has more letters than the alphabet?  The post office!

Task: Please take a moment to complete the following surveys on school culture with your CREW class. You can use your phone or a computer. Staff there is also a link for you to fill out a separate survey.

Student Survey

Done? Try these:

Tuesday - Round The Clock Dice Game  

Joke of the Day: What do you call someone with no body and no nose?  Nobody knows.   

Wednesday - Stuck in the Mud Dice Game

Joke of the Day:  What kind of underpants does a cloud wear?  Thunderwear!

Thursday - CREW Connection Day

Joke of they Day: Elevator jokes are classic.  They work on so many levels!

Cards and Board game are always a great way to have students connect without phones. 


Friday - Chicago Dice Game 

Joke of the Day: Why do bees have sticky hair?  Because they use honeycombs.

April 10th - 14th



Please Note: 

Monday - No School

Tuesday -  WEB Leaders in Training 

*Action Item for Teachers*:

1) Please print out the QUESTIONNAIRE, one copy per kid in your CREW class including your WEB Leaders

2) Please have the POWERPOINT ready for use (download if needed).

Joke of the Day: "I don't trust those trees. They seem kind of shady."

Wednesday - Adventures in Mental Health (Day 1)

Joke of the Day:  "I asked my dog what's two minus two. He said nothing."

Thursday - Adventures in Mental Health (Day 2)

Joke of they Day: "Where do fruits go on vacation?" "Pear-is!"


Friday -  Adventures in Mental Health (Day 3)

Joke of the Day: "What did the zero say to the eight?" "That belt looks good on you."

April 3rd - 7th



Please Note: 

Monday -  Masked Singer - WEB Leaders in Training 

Joke of the Day: Where do math teachers go on vacation?  Times Square.

Tuesday -  Zip, Zap, Zop Game

Joke of the Day: Why are piggy banks so wise? They're filled with common cents.  

Wednesday  - Counting to 15 Game 

Joke of they Day: What is a spy's favorite type of shoes?  Sneakers!


Thursday -  Assembly - RSS Grade 9 Leadership Class is leading this assembly

Joke of the Day: I don't play soccer because I enjoy the sport.  I'm just doing it for kicks!

Friday  -  NO SCHOOL 

Joke of the Day: Why do magicians do so well in school?  They're good at trick questions.

March 13th - March 17th



Please Note: 

Monday -  Masked Singer - WEB Leaders in Training (last chance to practice Lip Sync)

Joke of the Day: I'm afraid for the calendar. Its days are numbered.

Tuesday -  Lip Sync Battle Judging

Joke of the Day: Why do fathers take an extra pair of socks when they go golfing? In case they get a hole in one!

Wednesday  -  Lip Sync Battle Judging (if needed)

Joke of they Day: Singing in the shower is fun until you get soap in your mouth. Then it's a soap opera.


Thursday -  WEB leaders in cafeteria for training

Joke of the Day: What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie?  SoFISHticated

Check out this compilation video of some of the lip sync video entries!


Cards and Board game are always a great way to have students connect without phones. 

Friday  - Lip Sync Battle - Assembly!

Joke of the Day: Have you heard about the chocolate record player? It sounds pretty sweet.

March 6th - March 10th



Please Note: 

**** Please Note: School Store will be closed next week (except for Pizza Friday)

Monday -  Masked Singer - No WEB leaders - they are at a Leadership Conference at RSS

Joke of the Day: I'm on a seafood diet. I see food and I eat it!

Tuesday -  Lip Sync Battle Practice

Joke of the Day: I made a pencil with two erasers. It was pointless!

Wednesday  -  Lip Sync Battle Practice

Joke of they Day: How did the hairdresser win the race? She knew a short cut!


Thursday -  Enrichment Selection Day/ Lip Sync Battle Practice

Joke of the Day: You know, people say they pick their nose, but I feel like I was just born with mine.

Friday  - Lip Sync Practice

Joke of the Day: Five out of four people admit they're bad with fractions.

February 27th - March 3rd



Please Note: 

Monday -  Masked Singer - No WEB leaders; in Cafeteria for training

Joke of the Day: What is white, furry, and has wheels?  A roller bear!

Tuesday -  Lip Sync Battle Launch

Joke of the Day: Did you hear about the restaurant on the Moon?  Great food, no atmosphere.

Wednesday  -  Lip Sync Prep

Joke of they Day: How long does it take to get from Louisiana to Alabama?  One Mississippi


Thursday -  Lip Sync Battle Prep

Joke of the Day: I'm reading a book about antigravity.  It's impossible to put down!

Lip Sync Battle Prep. Tasks today include:

Friday  - Lip Sync Prep

Joke of the Day: I once got fired from a canned juice company.  Apparently, I couldn't concentrate.  

February 20th - 24th



Please Note: 

Monday -  Family Day - No School

Tuesday -  NO WEB Leaders Today - In Cafeteria for Training

Discussion Day: What is the story of Pink Shirt Day?

Wednesday  -  PINK SHIRT DAY!


Thursday -  Look and Listen (WEB leaders will be in CREW class today)

Friday  - Say "Hello"

February 13th - 17th



Please Note: 

Monday -  WEB leaders in cafeteria for training.   Masked Singer!

Joke of the Day: What did one eye say to the other? "Between you and me something smells."

Tuesday -  --- CUP STACKING Participants:  Wiebe   Hill   Ward  Sides 

Joke of the Day: What is cupid's favorite band?  Kiss!


Wednesday  -  Talent Show Discussion

Joke of they Day: Why do melons have weddings?  Because they cantaloupe.


Thursday -  Assembly

Joke of the Day: I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon.  I'll let you know...

Please wait for your house color to be called down to the gym.  Ward, Nuessler, Peters, Vicaretti - Can we ask your CREW classes to sit on the floor this time.  

Friday  - No School - ProD Day

Joke of the Day: "Do you wanna box for your leftovers?" "No, but I'll wrestle you for them."

February 6th  - Feb 10th



Please Note: 

Monday -  WEB leaders in cafeteria for training.   Masked Singer!

Joke of the Day: Why are doctors always calm?  Because they have a lot of patients.  

Tuesday -  --- CUP STACKING Participants:   Zimmermann Ball Lonstrup Pennell

Joke of the Day: What did the fried rice say to the shrimp?  Don't wok away from me!

Thoughtful Thanks Pink Slips:

TEACHERS: Can you please complete a few Thankful Slips recognizing STUDENTS for hard work, kindness or a note of appreciation.  We would like to use these in our next assembly! Please put these separate notes into Mrs. Parker's mailbox (or deliver to Mrs. Parker SEPARATE from the student written ones)

Wednesday  -  Vampire Tag --- CUP STACKING Participants:  Smith Allardyce Gagliano Peters

Joke of they Day: What musical intrument is found in the bathroom?  A tuba toothpaste!

WEB leaders have played this game and can explain the rules.  They will also participate in this activity.

  Rules of the game: (Similar to Handshake Murder)


Thursday -  CREW for Attendance Only - Early Release Day

Joke of the Day: Why did the scarecrow win an award?  Because he was outstanding in his field!

Friday  - CREW for Attendance Only - Early Release Day

Joke of the Day: Did you hear about the rumor about butter?  Well, I'm not going to spread it!

January 30th  - Feb 3rd



Please Note: 

Monday -  WEB leaders in cafeteria for training.   Masked Singer!

Teachers: Please show the following Talent Show Video to promote this year's LIVE SHOW on March 17th.

Joke of the Day: Do I enjoy making courthouse puns?  Guilty!!

Tuesday -  Bettle Game ---  CUP STACKING Participants:   McGuigan Withers Dennis Spiers  

Joke of the Day: After six months, I finally finished putting together my jigsaw puzzle.  The box said it would take 2-4 years.

Wednesday  -  Hidden Object Game --- CUP STACKING Participants:  Vicaretti Hayhurst Laverock Martin

Joke of they Day: Why dd the kid always sit in his wardrobe when reading a book.  Narnia business!


Thursday -  Cards or Board Game Day --- NO cup stacking games today

Joke of the Day: What did the French groundhog see when he woke up?  His château. 

Cards and Board game are always a great way to have students connect without phones. 

Friday  - Fish Bowl Game --- CUP STACKING Participants:  Luthin   Nuessler   Ikari   Irving/Carr

Joke of the Day: What concert costs just 45 cents?  50 cent featuring Nickleback!!

January 23rd - 27th



Please Note: 

Monday -  WEB leaders in cafeteria for training.   Masked Singer!

Teachers: Please show the Promo Video for Clothing Drive that will begin today and will run until Feb. 10th. 

Joke of the Day: Why do pandas like old movies?  Because they're in black and white!

Tuesday -  Word Memory Game ---  CUP STACKING Participants:   Wiebe   Nuessler   Laverock    Martin  

Joke of the Day: What does a sprinter eat before a race?  Nothing; they fast!

Wednesday  -  Alphabet Pockets --- CUP STACKING Participants:  Luthin   Ball    Gagliano    Peters 

Joke of they Day: I only know 25 letters of the alphabet.  I don't know Y.


Thursday -  Cards or Board Game Day --- NO cup stacking games today

Joke of the Day: What did the plumber say to the singer?  "Great Pipes"

Cards and Board game are always a great way to have students connect without phones. 

Friday  - Evolution Game --- CUP STACKING Participants:  Smith   Hill   Ikari    Irving/Carr

Joke of the Day: What's orange and sounds like a parrot?  A carrot!

January 16th - 20th



Please Note: 

Monday -  WEB leaders in cafeteria for training

Teachers: Please go over the rules for the Cup Stacking Challenge TODAY

SHE - Zimmermann and Vicaretti's WEB leaders will come to their CREW classes to help ensure students get to the correct location (Zimmermann and Vicaretti's CORE students will be missing from their CREW as well)

Joke of the Day: Where do horses live?  In neigh-borhoods.

Tuesday -  Memory Game ---  CUP STACKING Participants:   McGuigan   Withers   Ward   Pennell  

Joke of the Day: What do you call a magical dog? A Labracadabrador

Wednesday  -  Name Game --- CUP STACKING Participants:  Vicaretti   Allardyce   Dennis   Spiers 

Joke of they Day: What was the shy pebble's wish?  That he was a little boulder.


Thursday -  Cards or Board Game Day --- NO cup stacking games today

Joke of the Day: I asked my dog what's two minus two.  It said nothing.  

Cards and Board game are always a great way to have students connect without phones. 

Friday  - The Frog Game Day --- CUP STACKING Participants:  Zimmermann   Hayhurst   Lonstrup   Sides 

Joke of the Day: What do you call a droid that takes the long way around?  R2 detour!

January 9th  - 13th



Please Note: 

Monday -  WEB leaders in cafeteria for training

SHE - Hill and Martin's WEB leaders will come to their CREW classes to help ensure students get to the correct location

Joke of the Day: At what time do you go to the dentist?  Tooth-hurty?

Tuesday -  Scattergories

Joke of the Day: What did the mushroom say to the other mushroom?  "You're a fun guy!"


     EXAMPLE --> Letter: S

     Category                     Answer

Animal                        Snake

School Supplies         Scissors

     Boy’s name               Sam

Wednesday  -  Sneak Peek Game

Joke of they Day: How does a taco say grace?  "Lettuce Pray"

Sneak Peak (an activity that focuses on communicaiton skills.  How well does one partner describe an image.  Additionally; how well does the other person listen)

Thursday -  Cards or Board Game Day

Joke of the Day: I dreamt I was swimming in an ocean made of orange soda... It took me a minute to realize it was a Fanta-sea

Cards and Board game are always a great way to have students connect without phones. 

Friday  - 4 Corners Game (Please note: extra WEB leaders may be missing as 3 gr. 8 classes have SHE this morning)

Joke of the Day: What did the stamp say to the envelopes? "Stick with me and we'll really go places!"

Your WEB leader may ask to move desks to allow for more movement during this game.  If you wish for the desks to remain, please find an alternative so the WEB leaders can lead this activity.  

WEB leaders will give the following directions to the class:

January 2nd - 6th


Please Note: 

Monday - WEB leaders in cafeteria for training -- 

Joke of the Day: 

Tuesday -  Reconnect with your CREW

Joke of the Day: 

Wednesday  - Look Up Look Down Game 

Joke of they Day: 

NEW GAME: Look Up Look Down Game

Thursday -  Cards or Board Game Day

Joke of the Day: What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet? "Supplies"

Cards and Board game are always a great way to have students connect without phones. 

Friday  - Moose Bone Game

Joke of the Day: What did one wall say to the other?  I'll meet you in the corner

Moose Bone Game - We've played this Indigenous game already.  It was a HUGE success and wanted another opportunity to play it. 

December 12th - 16th

 kc̕aʔc̕aʔɬtan - TIME OF THE COLD WEATHER

Please Note: 

Monday - Band/Music Day.  WEB leaders in cafeteria for training -- Doors are being Judged TODAY :) 

Joke of the Day: What award did the inventor of knock knock jokes get?  The no-bell prize!

Tuesday - Plaid Day  Name That Tune - Holiday Edition

Joke of the Day: What did the femur say to the patella?   "I kneed you"

Wednesday  - PJ Day   Guess the Candy Activity Day -- Reminder: Food Drive Initiative Items DUE TODAY.

Joke of they Day: What di the limestone say to the geologist?  "Don't take me for granite"

Thursday - Christmas Sweater - Pin the Ornament on the Tree Activity

Joke of the Day: What is fast, loud and crunchy?  A rocket chip!

Friday Formal (Dress up) Day - Assembly

Joke of the Day: Why can't you play hockey with pigs?  They always hog the puck.

December 5th - December 8th


Please Note: 

Monday - WEB leaders in cafeteria for training

Joke of the Day: What falls in winter but never gets hurt?  Snow.

This week we have more flexibility.  The focus is as follows:

Tuesday  -  Working Week

Joke of the Day: What is worse than raining cats and dogs? Hailing Taxis!

Wednesday   - Working Week

Joke of they Day: Where do snowmen keep their money?  In a snow bank.

The focus continues to be:

Thursday - WEB leaders in cafeteria for training

Joke of the Day: What did the Dalmatian say after lunch?  "That hit the spot."

The focus continues to be:

Friday -  Working Week

Joke of the Day: What's black and white and goes around and around?  A penguin in a revolving door.  

The focus continues to be:

November 28th - December 2nd


Please Note: 

Monday - WEB leaders in cafeteria for training

Joke of the Day: What is a computer's favorite snack?  Microchips

You can use this time for decorating your door and also use the time to continue to connect using games.  The resources below are available.

Tuesday  -  Scavenger Hunt (Food Drive) Initiative Launch

Joke of the Day: What did the pop star do when she locked herself out?  She sang until she found the right key.

Wednesday   - Working Day

Joke of they Day: What's the difference between a fish and a guitar?  You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish

Thursday - WEB leaders in cafeteria for training

Joke of the Day: How much did Santa pay for his sleigh?  Nothing. It was on the house!

Friday -  Holidays Around the World Kahoot!

Joke of the Day: What did one candle say to the other? "I'll be going out tonight"

November 21st - 25th


Please Note: 

Monday - WEB leaders in cafeteria for training

Joke of the Day: What do you do if you get peanut butter on your doorknob?  Use a door jam!

If students were away last week Thursday, please have them complete the student survey 

You can use this time for decorating your door and also use the time to continue to connect using games.  The resources below are available.

Tuesday  -  Holiday Card Launch

Joke of the Day: Why did the kid bring a ladder to school?  Because she wanted to go to high school.

Wednesday   - Door Decorating and Holiday Cards

Joke of they Day: How do you talk to a giant?  Use big words.

Thursday - WEB leaders in cafeteria for training

Joke of the Day: What did the turkey say to the computer?  "Google, Google, Google"

FridayName That Tune - 90's Edition

Joke of the Day: How does the moon cut his hair?  Eclipse it.

November 14th - 18th


Please Note: 

Monday - WEB leaders in cafeteria for training

Joke of the Day: Why can't you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom?  Because the "P" is silent!

Thank you for your excellent Remembrance Day projects from CREW last week. I compiled all of them, along with a couple of pieces from the band and choir, into a video to share with your CREW class this coming week if you wish. Here is the link to the video:

If you would like your project returned, we have all of them in the cafeteria. You can ask your WEB Leader to bring it with them, or you can come down and pick it up. If you do not want your project back, we will likely use them in a display.

Tuesday  -  Door Decorating Launch

Joke of the Day: What do you get when you cross a centipede with a parrot?  A walkie-talkie

Wednesday   - Door Decorating Initiative

Joke of they Day: How many telemarketers does it take to change a lightbulb? Only one, but he has to do it while you are eating supper

Thursday - WEB leaders in cafeteria for training

Joke of the Day: Did you hear about the racing snail who got rid of his shell? He thought it would make him faster, but it just made him sluggish. 

FridayBalloon Pass Challenge

Joke of the Day: A turtle is crossing the road when he’s mugged by two snails. When the police ask him what happened, the shaken turtle replies, “I don’t know. It all happened so fast.”

November 7th  - November 11th

Please Note: 

Monday - Remembrance Day Video

Tuesday  -  Rutland Remembers Initiative

Remembrance Day CREW Project 2022/23

“Rutland Middle Remembers”

Instructions: To commemorate Remembrance Day this year, we will be collectively creating a piece of media that combines the learning of each CREW class. You will have 3 CREW classes to create one of the following projects and submit it to Mr. Butterworth. These projects will be digitally compiled together and made into a short video that can be shared with CREW classes the following week.

Project choices:

Please digitally share projects with Mr. Butterworth (via Google Drive) or have WEB Leaders bring projects to Mr. Butterworth when complete.

Wednesday   - Rutland Remembers Initiative

Thursday -  Rutland Remembers Initiative

FridayRemembrance Day - No School

October 31st - November 4th

Please Note: 

Monday - Assembly!

Joke of the Day: What is a pumpkin's favorite sport? Squash!

Tuesday  -  WEB leaders in Cafeteria for training

Joke of the Day: What is a vampire's favorite fruit?  Neck-tarine.

Use today to connect with your CREW class as WEB leaders will be in training.  You are welcome to play board games if you have them, cards, kahoots, whatever you have planned (phones are discouraged during this time).  Below are some options for what can be done if you are stuck.  

Wednesday   - Moose Bone Game

Joke of the Day: "Knock Knock"   "Who's There"  "Deja"   "Deja who?"  "Knock Knock"

This is an Indigenous game that focuses on using your intuition. WEB leaders will come in and explain the rules/expectations.  Below are the instructions that the WEB leaders have.  Please assist them if they need help with the explanations.  

Thursday -  WEB leaders in cafeteria for training

Joke of the Day: Why does a ghost always need more books?  He goes through them too quickly!

Please Note: 

WEB leaders will be coming to the classroom to pick up bottles for recycling.  They will not stay, they will return to the cafeteria.

Friday -  Laughter is the best medicine :)

Joke of the Day: What do you call a pig that does karate?  A pork chop.

October 24th - October 28th


Please Note: 

Monday - PJ DAY -- NO WEB leaders today - in Cafeteria for Training 

Joke of the Day: I should have been sad when my flashlight batteries died, but I was 'delighted'

Use today to connect with your CREW class as WEB leaders will be in training.  You are welcome to play board games if you have them, cards, kahoots, whatever you have planned (phones are discouraged during this time).  Below are some options for what can be done if you are stuck.  

Tuesday  -  JERSEY DAY

Joke of the Day: I started a new job as a tailor last week.  It was sew-sew.


Joke of the Day: Someone stole my mood ring yesterday.  I still don't know how I feel about that 

If Time:

Thursday -  HUNDREDS DAY (dress like you are old)

Joke of the Day: What does a zombie vegetarian eat?  Grrrrrraaaaaaiiiiins

Bottle Flip Challenge Day

Bottle Flip Challenge Partnerships and Meeting Location: **Please note: if not playing in a classroom, bring a desk for a flat platform


Joke of the Day: What do cats call a nice dinner? A fancy feast.

October 17th - October 21st

Please Note: 

Monday - NO WEB leaders today - in Cafeteria for Training

Joke of the Day: I'm tearing out pages of the dictionary.  I'm up to mischief.

Use today to connect with your CREW class as WEB leaders will be in training.  You are welcome to play board games if you have them, cards, kahoots, whatever you have planned (phones are discouraged during this time).  Below are some options for what can be done if you are stuck.  

Tuesday  -  Puzzle Challenge: Wiebe, Hayhurst, Dennis, Pennell

Joke of the Day:  Knowing how to pick locks has opened a lot of doors for me.

Wednesday   - Puzzle Challenge: Luthin, Allardyce, Lonstrup, Irving 

Joke of the Day: I tried to win a sun tanning competition.  But all I got was bronze.  

Thursday -  Puzzle Challenge: Smith, Nuessler, Gagliano, Sides 

Joke of the Day: Did you know that milk is the fastest liquid?  It's pasteurized before you even see it.   

Friday - Pro D Day - No School

October 11th - October 14th

Please Note: 

Monday - Thanksgiving - No School  

Tuesday  -  No WEB leaders today - in Cafeteria for Training *** PLEASE CHECK PUZZLE CHALLENGE SCHEDULE ***

Joke of the Day: I love whiteboards.  They are re-markable! 

Use today to connect with your CREW class as WEB leaders will be in training.  You are welcome to play board games if you have them, cards, kahoots, whatever you have planned (phones are discouraged during this time).  Below are some options for what can be done if you are stuck.  

Wednesday   - Puzzle Challenge and Scavenger Hunt

Joke of the Day: An atom lost an electron.  It really should keep an ion them

CREW classes in gym for puzzle challenge:  Zimmermann, Holt, Ikari, Peters 

Thursday -  Puzzle Challenge and Scavenger Hunt

Joke of the Day: I'm designing a reversible jacket.  I'm excited to see how it turns out.   

Friday -  Puzzle Challenge and Scavenger Hunt

Joke of the Day: Why do cows have bells?  Because their horns don't work

October 3rd - October 7th

Please Note: 

Monday - Choice Day - Reminder: No WEB Leaders (in cafeteria for training)

Joke of the Day: What kind of vegetable is kind to everyone?  The sweet potato!!

Mondays are a day to connect with your CREW class as WEB leaders will be in training.  You are welcome to play board games if you have them, cards, kahoots, whatever you have planned (phones are discouraged during this time).  Below are some options for what can be done if you are stuck.  

Tuesday  -  Pictionary

Joke of the Day:  A friend said she didn't understand cloning.  I told her that makes two of us.  

Wednesday   - Short CREW (Attendance Only)

Joke of the Day: I tried to make a belt out of watches.  It was a waist of time.

Thursday -  Short CREW (Attendance Only)

Joke of the Day: Why is "R" only a pirate's second favorite letter?  Because their first love is the "C".  

Friday -  No School - Implementation Day

September 26th - 30th

Please Note: 

Monday -  No WEB leaders today

Tuesday  -  Reminder: Gr. 6 Assembly LAST BLOCK today

Wednesday   - Reminder: Gr. 8 Assembly LAST BLOCK today

Thursday -  Reminder: Gr. 7 Assembly LAST BLOCK today

FridayNo School - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

September 19th - 23rd

Please Note: 

Monday -  No School

Tuesday  -  No WEB leaders today *** SHOES HAVE BEEN PRINTED!!! They are in your mailbox

ACTION ITEM: Please make copies of word searches and crosswords to be used for Thursday's CREW class. Those resources can be found on the "Terry Fox" Page.  

Wednesday   - Short Assembly and Terry Fox Run

PLEASE NOTE:  WEB leaders will NOT be coming to CREW class. They will be with Butterworth in the gym preparing for the assembly and run.  They will join you once their jobs are done.  

Thursday - Word Search, Crossword, Coloring 

Please Note: Your WEB leaders will join your class today (they missed Tuesday and Wednesday already)

Fun Feud FridayKahoot

September 12th - 16th

Please Note: 

Monday - Choice Day - Reminder: No WEB Leaders (in cafeteria for training)

Joke of the Day: What do you call having you grandma on speed dial?  Instagram!

Mondays are a day to connect with your CREW class as WEB leaders will be in training.  You are welcome to play board games if you have them, cards, kahoots, whatever you have planned (phones are discouraged during this time).  Below are some options for what can be done if you are stuck.  

Tuesday  -  Game Day

Joke of the Day: Why should you buy socks with holes in them?  It's the only way to get your feet in!

You, Me, Left, Right, All

Match Face Game

Wednesday   - Planning Day

Joke of the Day: How do you fit more pigs on a farm? Build a sty-scraper

Thursday - Card or Board Games

Joke of the Day: Why are mountains so good at telling jokes?  Because they are hill areas.

Fun Feud Friday -  Index Tower Building Day!

Joke of the Day: What did the cell say when his sister stepped on his foot? Mitosis!

September 6th - 9th

Please Note: 

Tuesday  -  First Day of School! (Extended CREW 8:58 - 9:58)

Wednesday   - Extended CREW (8:58 - 9:51)

Thursday -  Extended CREW (8:58 - 9:51)

Fun Feud FridayExtended CREW (8:58 - 9:51) ---- Full School Welcoming Assembly