Mindfulness Resources

Mindfulness Websites

Short Stories

  • Reedsy Prompts - There are thousands of short stories on this site that could be used. You can search by category, or just pick a random story to read. (Note: You may want to pre-read to ensure it is age appropriate)

  • 6 minute Podcasts - 6 minute podcasts that are sequential.

Coloring Sheets - Feel free to use the links below to coloring sheets, or find others that your students would like to use. It is not feasible for WEB students to provide coloring sheets for everyone, so please print at your own convenience. A few coloring sheets are available below, if you need a quick resource.

Coloring Home - Great Resources for a variety of coloring sheets

Monday Mandala - Mandala Coloring Sheets

Coloring Pages - Famous Artworks Printable Coloring Pages

Crayola - Disney Coloring Pages

Mindfulness Practice:

Mindfulness 5-4-3-2-1. Use this technique to ground kids and young adults. This is an especially great activity to help kids manage anxiety or anger. Have students look around their current surroundings and find five things they can see, four things they can tough, three things they can hear, two things they can smell, and one thing they can taste. By the time they get through listing all of those, they will be more present and calm.
