Students will take the online test in person on campus. 

Make-up April 19

Make-up April 26

Make-up May 2

*No visitors allowed on campus on test days.

Testing Windows- Students must take the test on the Campus Test Date or Make-up Test Date if present on campus on these days.

Testing Window:

There is not an "opt out" option. Please see this district letter for more information.


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HB 4545 (required interventions)

In accordance with HB 4545, passed by the Texas Legislature during the 87th Legislative Session in 2021, any student who does not have a passing score on any of the STAAR assessments required for the grade level (includes students who do not take the assessment) is subject to HB 4545 requirements. The requirements, currently, require students to receive 30 hours of accelerated instruction/intervention for each subject area STAAR test for which the student does not have a passing score (i.e. a 5th grade student has three STAAR assessments to take including Reading, Math and Science. The student must take and pass all three assessments. If the student does not meet the passing standard on one or more, or does not take one or more of the assessments, the student will be scheduled to receive 30 hrs of intervention aligned to each specific subject area.) 


2022-23 STAAR Scores are available to parents as of 8/16/23 at

You will need the unique access code. It may be located in the Home Access Center (HAC):

Student Portal Unique Access Code

(6 digit number/letter code)

Example: Student Portal Unique Access Code:  3M5X99

It is not bold, you must look for it.