Leander Clothes Closet 

LISD Clothes Closet 23-24.pdf

The Leander ISD Council of PTAs Clothes Closet is owned and operated by the Leander ISD Council of PTAs and community volunteers. The purpose of the Clothes Closet is to provide gently-used school clothing and brand-new underwear and socks to our students residing in our school district. We have clothing for grades pre-K through the SELF 18+ Program (sizes 3T-4X for all genders). The only qualification for families to shop at the Clothes Closet is that their student reside within the Leander ISD boundaries. Our program has no income requirements and no vouchers are required. 

If you have any questions, contact us at clothescloset@lisdptacouncil.com.

North Location

324 S. West Drive

Leander, TX 78641

Across from LISD Technology Center; north of Leander Middle School

South Location

River Place Elementary School: Portable #3

6500 Sitio Del Rio Blvd

Austin, TX 78730

Park in front of the campus and walk toward the gardens. The parking area in front of the portables is for teachers only.