
Comfort Zone Camp

  • Comfort Zone provides grieving children with a voice, a place and a community in which to heal, grow and lead more fulfilling lives. Locations in Virginia, Massachussetts, Texas and California. CZC is a great resource for school counselors to refer students and parents to who have dealt with the death of a family member. Funding provided by New York Life Insurance.

Compassion Books

  • Over 400 resources to help children and adults through serious illness, death, loss, grief and bereavement. Reviewed and selected by knowledgeable professionals.

Compassionate Friends

  • This goal of compassionate friends is to assist families toward the positive resolution of grief following the death of a child of any age and to provide information to help others be supportive. The organization has available a brochure for teachers and counselors.

Grief at School

  • Grief at School was developed by the American Hospice Foundation. Here you will find materials to help address children's grief, including articles, tools, resources such as guidelines for running a grief support group for teens, fact sheets and more. Failure to address the needs of grieving children can have short-term effects on their school performance and serious consequences later in life. Schools can play a vital role in helping their pupils come to terms with losses and preparing them for life’s inevitable tragedies. Teachers, counselors, and other school personnel have considerable influence in the lives of students, especially for those for whom school assumes the importance of family. Children often look to their teachers and counselors when they need help in overcoming problems that are difficult to discuss at home.

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