Virginia Military Institute

319 Letcher Avenue

Lexington, Virginia 24450


Who We Are

Virginia Military Institute is a nationally ranked public undergraduate college offering programs in engineering, science, liberal arts, and social sciences within a physically challenging and demanding 24/7 military environment. The VMI experience offers cadets leadership development, intimate class sizes, distinguished ROTC departments, Division 1 athletics, and endless military or civilian job opportunity post-graduation.

Your Admissions Representative

Tom Mortenson


Virginia Military Institute is the nation's oldest state supported military college.

All cadets participate in one of four ROTC programs: Army, Marines, Navy, or Air Force; and have the option, because VMI is one of eight direct-commission schools, to enter the U.S. Coast Guard upon graduation. Though ROTC involvement is mandatory, students are not required to serve in the military and may pursue a civilian career path instead.

VMI has a 98% employment rate within 6 months of graduation. ranks VMI No. 11 on it’s list of public colleges nationally with the highest earning graduates at mid career.

Since 2007, U.S. News and World Report has ranked VMI fourth in the nation among public liberal arts colleges.

VMI hosts the largest Army ROTC program in the country and regularly commissions more cadets—and often more Distinguished Military Graduates—than any other Army ROTC in the U.S.

VMI hosts the third largest Air Force ROTC in the nation.

VMI Naval ROTC cadets regularly qualify for the highly selective special warfare (SEAL) and nuclear power programs.

VMI Marine-option cadets consistently have one of the highest graduation rates at Marine Corps Officer Candidates School.

VMI cadets live under an honor code which states, “A Cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, nor tolerate those who do.”

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