Performance Based Assessment

What is the Performance Based Assessment (PBA)?

The VDOE approved on September 20, 2018 for school districts to complete locally verified credits in writing based on a specific criteria. Districts created Performance Based Assessments as a replacement for the End of Course (EOC) Writing SOL.

In LCPS, the Performance Based Assessment measures a student’s writing progression in high school. Students will demonstrate persuasive, analytical, and synthesis (research based) writing skills during their first three years in high school. The district is crafting a universal system to collect these samples of writing. The state outlined what could be used as body of evidence for verified credits in writing.

In the 19-20 school year, select 9th and 10th grade classes will participate in a PBA.

In the 20-21 school year, select 9th and 10th grade classes will participate in a PBA. (Accounting for Covid-19)

In the 21-22 school year, all 9th and 10th grade classes will participate in a PBA.

In the 22-23 school year, all 11th grade classes will participate in a PBA.

LCPS will slowly phase out the VDOE EOC Writing SOL Assessment as the state clarifies expectations.

Resources for PBAs will be available on this site; teachers are encouraged to use these resources in preparation for the switch from the VDOE EOC to local PBAs.



hs-rubric-2017-standards with percentages for Turnitin.pdf

PBA Information

Copy of LCPS PBA Intro 2019 August 19PD

August 19, 2019

PBA Introduction

00 Understanding Scoring

October 17, 2019

PBA Workshop

PBA FAQs and Comments from August 2019 and October 2019

2019 PBA Q & A

Please click on the PBA Reflection Google Form after you have scored your PBAs and loaded them on We need your feedback!