9: How to hone teacher presence and facilitation practices.

Being fully present and facilitating learning in a blended/online class environment can be much trickier than in the physical classroom. This capsule makes three basic, yet essential recommendations for honing your presence and facilitation practices when making the transition to a hybrid or fully remote approach.


Capsule Video

Self-Guided Learning

BOLD 9 Teacher Presence

Reflective Questions

  1. How will you show your students how present and engaged you are in a blended/online learning environment?

  2. How will you build and maintain a sense of class community even when you aren't meeting regularly in the physical classroom?

  3. How will you stay attuned to your students’ needs and suggestions while also tending to your own needs?

C9 Quick links BOLD / DAB - En / Fr Slides

Effective Practices

Want to share your teacher presence and facilitation tips and tricks with the community?

Contact Sheila Dunwoodie to publish your ideas and examples on this site!
