1: How to take a blended/online learning design approach.

Whether you are teaching online or in a physical classroom, Blended/Online Learning Design (BOLD) allows you to go beyond the limitations of the four walls of your classroom. BOLD creates a space where you can rethink what your students can do during live (synchronous) meetings and on their own (asynchronous) time.

This capsule lays the groundwork for you to explore a variety of BOLD topics and see how you can make the most of it in your teaching practices.


Capsule Video

The terms “Digital Classroom” and “Online Classroom” as used in these videos are interchangeable with the term “Learning Management System (LMS)"

Self-Guided Learning

BOLD Video 1 Welcome

Reflective Questions

    1. How will you make the blended learning experience (both synchronous and asynchronous) personal for your students?

    2. What do you want your students to be able to do and which tools will you select to support those goals?

    3. What are your teaching strengths? How do they support a blended learning approach?

C1 Quick links BOLD / DAB - En / Fr Slides

Effective Practices

Want to share your blended/online learning design tips and tricks with the community?

Contact Sheila Dunwoodie to publish your ideas and examples on this site!
