10: How to flow between synchronous & asynchronous activities.

Achieving an effective flow between teacher-led and student-paced activities is absolutely essential in a blended/online class environment. This capsule makes two important recommendations for being more intentional about how you design that synchronous and asynchronous time.


Capsule Video

Self-Guided Learning

BOLD 10 Flow

Reflective Questions

  1. Which activities will you prioritize for synchronous/together time and which can be accomplished during asynchronous/student-paced time?

  2. Which types of asynchronous and synchronous models of flow will work best for your teaching goals and your students needs?

C10 Quick links BOLD / DAB - En / Fr Slides

Effective Practices

Want to share your BOLD flow tips and tricks with the community?

Contact Sheila Dunwoodie to publish your ideas and examples on this site!
