8: How to give effective and efficient feedback.

Giving students meaningful and timely feedback is just as critical to the blended/online learning journey as to the learning that takes place in the physical classroom. This capsule makes two practical recommendations for being consistent, efficient, and effective in evaluating student work and helping students understand their areas of strength and growth.


Capsule Video

Self-Guided Learning

BOLD 8 Feedback

Reflective Questions

  1. How might you use rubrics and checklists to clarify and be more consistent in your feedback practices?

  2. How might you use rubrics and checklists to have students self-evaluate?

  3. How might you collaborate with colleagues and students on generating/finessing rubrics and checklists?

  4. Which of the Flash Feedback practices resonates the most with you?

C8 Quick links BOLD / DAB - En / Fr Slides

Effective Practices

Want to share your student feedback tips and tricks with the community?

Contact Sheila Dunwoodie to publish your ideas and examples on this site!
