7: How to shift summative assessment practices.

Shifting summative assessment practices is an important step in evaluating student learning when taking a blended/online learning approach. This capsule makes two practical recommendations to help you make the most of summative practices.


Capsule Video

Self-Guided Learning

BOLD 7 Summative

Reflective Questions

  1. How might you invite students to co-design learning goals, activities, and assessments?

  2. How might you offer choices at various points along the learning journey?

  3. How might you be flexible around timing, check points, and deadlines?

C7 Quick links BOLD / DAB - En / Fr Slides

Effective Practices

Want to share your summative assessment tips and tricks with the community?

Contact Sheila Dunwoodie to publish your ideas and examples on this site!


Continue to the next capsule:

8: Give effective and efficient feedback.