Proposal Pitch *New*

The Proposal Pitch is your chance to explain to a panel of adults your idea for your project. The panel is there to help you flesh out your idea.

The Pitch will take place on Wednesday, February 14th during Period 1&2. You will be given a specific appointment time which you will present to your classroom teacher.

Below is the form that must be filled out by February 2nd, 2018.

*Please note that the form can only be filled out when logged into your email. Please ensure you are logged in prior to attempting to complete it.

What to expect:

You will present to a group of 3-4 teachers.

You will be expected to adhere to the following:

  • 5 minutes
  • Answer the following questions:
  1. What is the problem, concern or challenge (PCC) for your personal project?
  2. What goal are you trying to accomplish with this PCC?
  3. What are some initial ideas for a product or outcome related to this PCC?
  4. What is your prior experience with this PCC?
  5. What are some possible primary resources you could access in order to help you with this PCC?

You should expect the panel to ask you questions!

Process Journal Questions

    • How did it go?
    • Did the panel have any suggestions?
    • Any moments of inspiration?
    • What did the panel have to say about your idea?