The gLoBaL Employee Resource Group (ERG) is spelled correctly. Take a second to look at the name and you will see the L-B-L, or the Lab, is inside the globe. The purpose of the gLoBaL ERG is to provide support and a sense of community for those working at the Lab who have moved to the United States to further the Lab’s mission. The ERG raises awareness of the challenges faced by those moving to the United States, and at the same time, shares opportunities with ERG members to participate in uniquely American experiences.

Sudip Dosanjh, Division Director, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), is the executive sponsor of the group.

How does the gLobBaL ERG support the Lab’s mission?

The gLoBaL ERG supports the mission by supporting our people. It is challenging for international employees, even more so during this pandemic, to live and work far away from friends and family. I know what it is like, since I was born in India and immigrated to the U.S. I know how challenging it is to adjust to a new country, culture and work environment.

I’ve talked with all the NERSC staff during the pandemic and I know it has been especially challenging for international employees, many of whom are far away from family and friends.

Is anyone, whether they have an international background or not, welcome to join the gLoBaL ERG?

While the gLoBaL ERG supports a critical part of Berkeley’s Lab’s workforce, international Lab employees, everyone is welcome to become part of our community. We have hired great people from all over the world and learning how to navigate life in the US has always been a challenge. The pandemic has made it even more difficult. We can all benefit from the sense of community that gLoBaL is building for all.

What are the gLobBaL ERG’s top 3 or 4 priorities?

The purpose of the gLoBaL is to provide support and a sense of community for Berkeley Lab employees who have moved to the United States from another country. We do this by raising awareness of the challenges international employees face when moving from their home country to the United States, celebrate the diverse cultures and unique gifts that international employees bring to the Lab, and create opportunities for domestic employees to support their international colleagues. We are here to support one another and have fun doing it!