Celebrate the Past

Learn more about the Lab's history in a series of monthly features.

The Lawrence Lab. Livermore Berkeley Lab. UC Berkeley Lab. The Lab gets called a lot of odd names, but we have to admit, it can be a bit confusing for our friends and neighbors! And in celebration of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s 90th anniversary, we wanted to look back at the history of the Lab’s names and logos.

Women have been critical to Berkeley Lab since the very beginning. Working as scientists, secretaries, lab assistants and more, the Lab would not be where it is today without them. Check out the interactive timeline and photo stories celebrating a number of notable and talented women scientists who have worked at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory throughout the decades.

Today we know it as the Office of the Chief Financial Officer but in the Lab's early history the work groups were more descriptive of the function that was provided such as payroll, bookkeeping, and salvage. Take a look at then and now in this photo story.

E. O. Lawrence's invention fits into the palm of your hand, but despite its small size, it would go on to change the world. Learn more about the history of the particle accelerator at the Lab compiled by ATAP's Joe Chew as part of the Lab's 90th-anniversary celebration.

While the Projects & Infrastructure Modernization Division (PIMD) was only created as a division in 2019, their work is literally the foundation of the Lab. From designing new buildings to renewing old ones, PIMD supports the Lab's scientific mission.

The Computing Sciences Area (CSA) consists of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), the Energy Sciences Network (ESnet), and the Computational Research Division (CRD).

Follow some of the people and events that have been a part of CSA over the years.

The Pride banner at the Lab has a long history, going back to 1999 and the start of the Lambda Alliance at the Lab. Several times the banner was removed by unknown persons, but when that happened, Lab leadership stepped up. Read about the history of the banner and why it is different this year.

Badges have always been a part of the Lab's culture, going back to even its earliest days when Ernest Lawrence needed to show his badge. View how security has changed over the decades.

Since the 1970s, earth and environmental scientists at Berkeley Lab have conducted basic and applied earth science research that has advanced environmental sustainability and energy security. View some of the highlights.

The Information Technology (IT) Division is fairly new as a division, but IT professionals have supported Berkeley Lab's science and operations from the beginning. Take a peek at their journey.

The Lab's hilly terrain makes practicing for many sports difficult, but the Lab did consistently field a Frisbee team. It started with Lab Nobelists Emilio Segre and Owen Chamberlain who tossed the Frisbee during their free time. The Frisbees are on display in the lobby of Building 50. View some of the other great moments in sports.

Energy-related research has been an important part of Berkeley Lab, beginning with its pioneering work in energy efficiency in the early '70s and '80s. Take a look at some of the highlights in its history.

The Asian and Pacific Islander community at the Lab has been active through the decades. This photo story shares some of its activities and the formation of the API ERG in the midst of the COVID pandemic.

Those visiting or working at the Lab have enjoyed entertainment breaks. Some of the entertainment was provided by Lab employees, while at other times, professional musicians and dancers graced our stages. Take a look at some of our musical highlights over the years.

Since its beginnings as the Lab's personnel department, HR continues to be dedicated to fostering the recruitment, retention, and development of exceptional and diverse scientific, engineering, and operational talent. View this photo story dedicated to the Human Resources (HR) Division.

The Energy Sciences have helped define Berkeley Lab through its 90-year history. View some highlights of the history of the materials and chemical sciences at the Lab, the Advanced Light Source, and the Molecular Foundry.

Since its founding in 2015, the All Access Employee Resource Group represents members of the disability community and their allies. All Access seeks to advance inclusion and equality for everyone in the Berkeley Lab community.

In celebration of Berkeley Lab’s 90th anniversary, this photo story is dedicated to the employees and visitors who have traversed the Lab sites by all means of transportation: truck, car, bicycle, foot, and yes, apparently by handstand.

World-class science requires world-class facilities, and from the beginning, the Facilities division has partnered with and supported Berkeley Lab’s researchers as they work to solve some of the world’s most pressing questions.

The biological sciences have been part of the Lab's DNA from almost the beginning. See how it has grown over the years.

Since its founding in 2008, the Women Scientists and Engineers Council (WSEC) has worked with Berkeley Lab’s IDEA Office and Human Resources Division to empower women scientists and engineers and make the Lab a more family-friendly environment.

To learn more about the history of women scientists and employees at the Lab, visit this interactive timeline and the features for each decade.

From ambassadors to princesses to future vice presidents, Berkeley Lab has seen plenty of high profile visitors over the years. All were treated to the Lab's cutting-edge research and celebrated scientists. Take a peek at some (but not all) of the notables over the years.

Safety has been an essential part of the Lab's history from the beginning. In the early days of science, safety procedures used today were unknown, but as time went on, the Lab established EHS to protect everyone at the Lab so each could go home safely at the end of their shift. See some photos that show the way things were.

The African American Employee Resource Group was founded in 2016. In celebration of Berkeley Lab’s 90th anniversary, this photo story is dedicated to the past, present and future members of the African American Employee Resource Group.

The physical sciences were the foundation on which the Lab was built. Take a trip down memory lane with the men and women who helped make the Lab what it is today.