Year 2

Transdisciplinary Learning: Geography/Science/DT/PSHE

Theme: Sharing the Planet

Central idea: Plants rely on their environment to survive.

Line of inquiry:

They have developed an understanding of:

What is survival?


Experiences and Action

The children in Year 2 chose to take action by developing our allotment and forest school area.  They have worked hard to weed the planter so that they are ready for the seedlings and they tidied up the allotment area and greenhouse.  They worked collaboratively to plant an array of differents seeds and have been caring for them in the hope that they will have grown enough over Easter to then be planted outside in the flower beds and allotment!   

Disciplinary Learning: RE/History/Art/Computing

History - The children have developed their research skills in history by inquiring about how farmers care for their livestock and land in order to meet the needs of humans.  They recognised that overtime farming has changed and evolved.  They further developed their understanding of how machinery has changed to meet the demands of society today.

Art - The children have explored the work of Arlene Bandes and her styles of creating artwork through printing. The children have explored a variety of printing styles and applied these to a final piece of artwork creating flowers.

Computing - The children have been exploring the importance of collecting data and how this can be done through tally charts and collated onto a pictogram.

RE - Year 2 have explored the ways in which they celebrate different occasions throughout the year and how this is different for each children. They then explored how this applies to different religions and found out how Christians celebrate Holy Week, Muslims celebrate Ramadan and Jewish people celebrate Passover.


This term the children have looked at a variey of spelling rules such as challeing words, words ending in -er, -est and -ed and alternative sounds. 


This term in maths, children started the term by finishing their multiplication and division topic with focus on learning their 3 x tables. They then moved onto looking at measurement and worked on their skills of measuring objects using centimetres and metres. Finally, they have finished the term by looking at measuring mass, capacity and temperature in a variety of units such as degrees celsius, grams, kilograms, millilitres and litres. They have applied their new knowledge of all four mathematical operations to these types of measuring.