Year 6

This term, Year 6 pupils have been learning about how mistakes lead to developments. For the first two weeks, the children were investigating what makes animals and humans and why they are the way they are. They compared the views of creationism and evolutionism, going into more detail about the life and work of Charles Darwin and how he contributed to science today. Following all of this, they took off on the Voyage of the Beagle, stopping in many of his locations, exploring the landscape of the Galapagos and the Samba of Brazil. The following line of inquiry leant itself to Victorian punishment, again linking in to how mistakes lead to developments. We made a comparison between Victorian and our modern day behaviour policy. They then looked at the British colonisation of Australia through convicts, overall being able to summarise that without the convicts, Australia might not have the 26 million people population it has today. Finally, we looked at the rights of women and how they have changed through the ages. We then debated how if all of these mistakes had had a positive or negative development on society.

Our central idea for next term will be - The development of trade impacts civilisation. In this central idea, we will have an in depth focus on the Incas.