
Nursery Newsletter for Term Two Week One

We are so proud of each and every member of our Seedlings class this term! They have all been brilliant risk-takers taking on the challenge of a new year in Seedlings, with new experiences, friends and learning to explore together!

Our Central Idea this term has been 'People Learn and Care for Others'.

Our main lines of inquiry have been:

1) An inquiry into how we learn.

2) An exploration of my own emotions and those of those around me.

3) An exploration of how we learn in many ways.

The children have explored these lines of inquiries through key stories, such as 'The Colour Monster' and 'Mixed'. In addition to this we have explored the different Learner Profile Attributes we use in our learning through our Julia Donaldson Stories. These attributes are shown below:

Please see below photos of our fantastic learning this term, well done Seedlings. Have a great half term and we look forward to seeing you in Term 2!