Year 2


This term, Year 2's central idea has been : When their basic needs are met, animals and humans thrive.

Our lines of Inquiry have been:

1. An inquiry into what animals and human basic needs are

2. An inquiry into how the basic needs can be met

3. An inquiry into ways in which lifestyle choices are influenced by meeting the basic needs.

To begin with children identified the basic needs that humans had to meet in order to live and survive. We discussed at length things that we wanted ( games, tv, internet) and things we needed. From this we began to think about animals needs and whether these were the same as humans. We looked at life cycles of humans and animals. We found out that humans need the same things at each stage of their life. We then wrote a fact file writing full sentences.

For line of inquiry 2 the children thought about how humans and animals basic needs can be met and we focused on two areas; food and shelter. As part of this we did a walk around the local area using maps and found out how the local area met our needs. The children did some research based around Willow and her food needs. They did a taste test with Willow, a class survey and then made her some dog treats.

For the final part we have looked at lifestyle choices and healthy living. The children have discussed things that humans do to stay healthy and have also thought about how choices can impact on lifestyle and healthy eating. The children have looked at a balanced diet, how exercise affects the body and written instructions to make a heathy pizza. The children have bought these home to make the pizzas with their families.

Books we used to support inquiry learning:


The children did a local walk around the community. They developed their map skills and looked at how the local area meets humans basic needs. In class we then compared this to the area 15 years ago and the children were shocked at how much it had changed.