Cookery Corner

We have had a very busy term in our cooking corner. The children have been amazing and shown us that they can bring the PYP into the DT room and create some delicious dishes. We hope you have a great half term and that the children can help you more in the kitchen at home.

Seasonal Pavlova

(Serves 8)

6 large egg whites

300g caster sugar

250ml double cream

Seasonal fruits


Preheat the oven to 150c/120c fan/gas mark 2

This recipe is best made in a stand mixer if you have one.

  1. Whisk the egg whites until stiff peaks are formed.

  2. Slowly add the caster sugar until thoroughly combined.

  3. Spread out onto a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper. Make sure the edges are higher than the middle to form a sort of bowl.

  4. Place in the centre of the oven and cook for approximately 1 hour.

  5. Turn the oven off and allow the meringue to completely cool.

  6. Top the base with freshly whipped cream and any seasonal fruits.

Cooking Club

This week in cooking club the children made some amazing chocolate cupcakes. They took a little longer than planned, but they came out as the biggest cupcakes I had ever seen. The children have come into school and said how tasty they were.

Thank you to parents for all of your support this term and providing the ingredients each week. Without your donations cooking club simply would not be possible.

Next term we are welcoming 20 more children into cooking club. I will be sending home information after the first week with a small list of ingredients for your child for Week 2.

Big cook, little cook

If you and your children enjoy cooking, please share your own recipes and photos with us through the contact us email ( and we will add as many as we can to our Cookery Corner.

Did you know...

A pineapple plant doesn't produce fruit until they have been planted for 2 to 3 years, they can only grow one fruit at a time, but they can live for up to 50 years.

The pineapple was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1493, they are however native to South America.