Social Studies

The children in our reception classes have been learning about Special Places this term. They have been excellent at communicating the differences between a Church and a Mosque. The children have been linking this to our Unit of Inquiry and we have talked about what makes our own home special. This then developed into learning about different homes and the class constructed different homes for different animals. 

Linking to our Inquiry 'The environment influences living things', we have been learning about the animals which live in the Polar regions and how animals are adapted to live there. We then contrasted this and have been learning about giraffes, gorillas and tigers. We know what we can do to protect their homes and wrote a list of all the things we could do!

Pazazz Class have used their knowledge of different landscapes and environments to create paintings and drawings in the style of Claude Monet. We have continued to talk about the key features of different art work. Towards the end of term Pazazz will be creating their own landscape pop up art. 

We have taken part in discussions around praying and why people do this, we have looked at how different religions pray and who to.  

Pazazz have also been learning about the Iron Age, we have found out facts about the Celts and their lifestyles, drawn and labelled a round house from the outside and designed what it would look like on the inside. 

Year 3 Fortune class have been able to use their knowledge of different landscapes to create dioramas, although these are still in progress. They have been able to explain their choices and create a product with depth. They have also made Iron Age round houses to communicate their understanding of their inquiry into life in the Iron Age.

Year 5 children have been inquiring into why people have migrated to Britain through the ages. We researched and communicated our knowledge of what would draw Vikings to Britain, such as good farmland and natural resources. We wrote travel brochures using our understanding of Britain during the time of the Anglo-Saxons. We also discussed how push and pull factors influenced migration.