Golden Apple Winners

Seedlings Nursery 

Golden Apple


Being such a fabulous learner this term. 

Jude has worked really hard to explain his emotions using words and our colour monsters. Jude has been a really caring friend, sharing well with his friends and working together to build houses out of our magnetic shapes.

Apollo Class ~ Year R

Golden Apple


For being a thinker when making her clay giraffe. Roma thought carefully about the characteristics of a giraffe and took her time to carefully craft her clay model. 

Discovery Class ~ Year R 

Golden Apple 

Jacob T

For being an amazing Inquirer this week! Jacob made a healthy snack at home for the tiger in our story ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea.’ He also demonstrated all of his phonics knowledge during our live lesson! We know you can do it Jacob!

Jubilee Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple

Milo Shrimpton

Milo has shown that he is a very principled learner by always making the expected choices, having a positive attitude towards his learning and helping his classmates when they need it. Well done Milo!

Enterprise Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple 


Janey has taken risks in her learning this week.  She bounced back when she found the learning tricky and went on to create an amazing story about the seasons! 

Jazzy Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple


Being a principled learner in Maths this week. She was extremely focus on learning how to add crossing 10s using dienes and was great at working collaboratively with her peers using the resources.

Empire Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple 


This week Freya has been a very principled learner when learning about adding across 10s. She has persevered with her learning and shown good resilience. We have also been impressed with her continued effort with reading. Well done! 

Pip & Bramley Class 



Noah has successfully used a communication book this week to ask for his snack in a different way.  With practice, he was able to find and point to symbols and say the sentence "I want more brioche". Fantastic communication, Noah! 

Fortune Class ~ Year 3 

Golden Apple


Being open-minded and reflective when creating his landscape diorama. Well done Brandon!

Pazazz Class ~ Year 3 

Golden Apple


For being a risk taker when writing. She was able to use her communication skills to ask for support, when needed. She focused on her letter formation and had great presentation. 

Ambrosia Class ~ Year 4 

Golden Apple


For being respectful. Johnny has shown the school respect by walking in the corridors in silence in the morning. He also has been so attentive in class. Great principled behaviour. 

Cameo Class ~ Year 4 

Golden Apple 


Being very knowledgeable in maths this term, improving her times tables and multiplication skills. You are working extremely hard and even completed extra learning at home! 

Melrose Class ~ Year 5 

Golden Apple


For being hard-working and caring to his peers. He is a great asset to Team Melrose!

Well done, Eddie!

Zari Class ~ Year 5 

Golden Apple


For the noticeable improvement in her attitude to learning this week.  She has been focused, hard working and engaged in all her lessons.  We are extremely proud of you, well done Lacey!

Kanzi Class ~ Year 6 

Golden Apple


For being an excellent open-minded learner. When given feedback, Jess is able to edit to great effect, a true Year 6 skill. 

Well done, Jess!

Braeburn Class ~ Year 6 

Golden Apple


For being caring towards her peers by offering support with their work, especiually during maths. Olivia also showed that she is a role model to the younger children by making sure that others on the playground took turns and were safe.

Well done, Olivia!