Next week is Children's Mental Health Week. During the Early Years of life children are quickly developing their understanding of their emotions and those of important people around them. 

At Langley Park Primary Academy we help support the children's understanding of emotions and feelings by using our zones of regulation boards as well as our colour monster puppets and feeling jars. 

We also support the children in developing a range of mindfulness strategies, that help them to develop a calmness, and awareness of being present. This is a key skill, and something that will really help the children as they grow up in our fast paced modern world. 

Please see below a few books and ideas that you can use at home to support your child's mental health. Perhaps during the weekend you might go for a walk in nature, or practice some mindfulness steps at home. Please share these with us on Tapestry, we love to see the children learning at home as well as within the Nursery and Reception Classes.