Early Literacy/ Dyslexia Newsletter

May 2022


Welcome back to this month's Early Literacy/ Dyslexia Newsletter. This is a crazy time of year as educators prepare for the last days of school and look forward to the first days of summer break. One thing I loved most about teaching was the chance to review what I had done over the year and determine how I wanted to redesign things differently next year. There aren't many careers where you get a fresh start each year!

Keep reading to find registration information for opportunities to refresh and recharge with other educators over the summer...amid your much deserved time for relaxing and rest! Consider spending a couple of days with "us" at our summer text-based PD or gathering with fellow educators at the summer academies. See below for information and details!


It's not too late to register for summer academies- coming to a location close to you!

2022 Summer Academies: Recharge Learning: Finding Your Focus! There is something for everyone- CTE, math, science, literacy, the arts, early childhood, SEL, world languages, social studies, special education, leadership...REALLY, something for everyone!

2 days, $50.00, meals included, college credit available

Sign up for the Early Literacy/ Dyslexia Strand to learn about how early language development is critical to reading development and to delve into how to make the best use of assessments as you plan instruction!

For more information, see Summer Academies.

To register for the KSDE Summer Academies, Click Summer Academies/ Recharge Learning 2022


Join us for a summer study to refresh practice using the text A Fresh Look At Phonics by Wiley Blevins. The study will be free-just buy the book and join us! We will meet Thursday mornings 9:00 - 10:00 am (CST) starting Thursday, June 9th- July 28th via Zoom for 7 weeks (not meeting week of July 4). Enjoy reading and discussing practice and pedagogy with colleagues as we strive to deepen our knowledge of early literacy instruction. Register here!

Graduate College Credit (1-3 hours) is available. For details, See this link.

What assessments are you finding most helpful to guide you in your work?


Would you like to help others learn what you are doing and how it is working for you? What tools are being used and how are primary educators identifying who is reading at "level" as more educators are moving away from the use of "leveled" texts. Would you like to share things that are working for you- and find out what is working for others? Please consider completing this anonymous survey! It will just take a few minutes. We will pull the information together and share in a future newsletter.

If you are willing to share, select this link: Assessments You Find Helpful


Are you wishing you knew more about structured literacy? Mark your calendars for one of these upcoming professional learning opportunities! Presented by Amy Bybee, Assistant Superintendent/ Director of Curriculum & Assessments for USD 290 and Field Educator for the Kansas State Department of Education.

Structured Literacy Leaders Virtual Lunch and Learn

These lunch and learn sessions are designed for busy administrators and instructional leaders who want to learn more about structured literacy and how to implement a structured literacy walkthrough tool.

Designed for Administrators and Instructional Leaders:

July 26-28 from 12:00-1:00 pm, via Zoom

To register select this link: Structured Literacy Walkthrough Tool PD

Structured Literacy Virtual PLC: Reflection on Practice

These virtual PLC sessions are designed for teachers and instructional leaders who want to learn more about structured literacy and how to utilize a structured literacy tool to evaluate and reflect on their current reading and language arts practices.

Three weekly 1 hour virtual sessions from 5:00-6:00 pm via Zoom.

August 24, 2022

August 31, 2022

September 7, 2022

To register select this link: Structured Literacy Virtual PLC: Reflection on Practice

You, my friends, are brain changers!

"The images showed that children who became skilled readers by the end of first grade had, as early as kindergarten, effective brain-activation patterns for reading. Children who had a bumpier start with reading skills showed different patterns. However, 13 of the 16 children with reading difficulties responded to systematic reading instruction."

Your intentional, systematic instruction matters!

Read this article to see how your instruction is changing brains of our youngest students!

If you want to learn more about explicit instruction...see the short video below by Dr. Anita Archer

Utilizing Explicit Instruction

Dr. Anita Archer, Middle Tennessee State, Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia

This quick video helps us understand why we can't just let the learning happen...but need to be intentional for our novice readers!


Text-Based Professional Learning Opportunity

Shifting the Balance: 6 Ways to Bring the Science of Reading into the Balanced Literacy Classroom by Jan Burkins and Kari Yates

With the shift in focus around reading instruction and sometimes loud noise surrounding balanced literacy, it is important to reflect upon current practices. Participating in this text-based professional learning of Shifting the Balance: 6 Ways to Bring the Science of Reading into the Balanced Literacy Classroom by Jan Burkins and Kari Yates will give teachers and instructional leaders the opportunity to read, discuss and look at the possibilities of embedding the science of reading into current literacy practices.

Mark Your Calendars!

Sessions will take place via Zoom on Wednesdays in September from 5:00-6:00pm (CST) .

September 14, 2022 - Session 1: Chapters 1 & 2

September 21, 2022 - Session 2: Chapters 3 & 4

September 28, 2022 - Session 3: Chapters 5 & 6

Registration coming soon!

Are you looking to research curriculum over the summer? While EdReports can provide information and compare curriculum you may be considering, The Reading League has a tool that can help you look closely at your current or considered curriculum with an eye on the Simple View of Reading (Gough & Tunmer, 1986) and Scarborough's Reading Rope (Scarborough, 2001). See The Curriculum Evaluation Tool © 2021 The Reading League. Many are asking for a "list of approved" curriculum and I am working through how that can look in our local control state. I will keep you posted regarding that type of guidance. Until such list is put forth, the above tools will help you make great choices to move your students forward in literacy learning.

Share the link below with families and friends in your district to learn about Sunflower Summer. Explore fun and engaging ways to extend learning over the summer! Great Kansas experiences for free!

LETRS Training is still available!

If you or your district is interested in receiving funded LETRS training, please don't hesitate to inquire about this opportunity! Contact Kevin Davis at Kevin Davis at kddavis@pittstate.edu

More information can also be found by selecting this link: LETRS Information

Take Flight

I see children as kites...

You spend a lifetime trying to get them off the ground

You run with them until you're both breathless

They crash

You add a longer tail

They hit the rooftop

You pluck them out of the spout

You patch and comfort, adjust and teach

You watch them lifted by the wind and assure them that someday

they'll fly

Finally they are airborne, but they need more string and you keep letting it out,

But with each twist of the ball of twine there is a sadness that

goes with the joy because the kite becomes more distant and

somehow you know that it won't be long before this beautiful

creature will snap the line that bound you together

and soar as it was meant to soar...

Free and alone...

Only then do you know you did your job.

Erma L. Bombeck

Hoping your kites are soaring as we wind down these last few days of the academic year! Thank you for the good work you do!