
Easily view outgoing emails and email history as well as view the documents and activity associated with them.

Emails Ready to be Sent

A list of outgoing emails that have not yet been delivered.

Email History

View details on emails already sent.

Email Exceptions

If an email couldn't be sent for any reason you will be able to see that here.

Emails Ready to be Sent

1. Item Information

    1. Sent to - Recipients email address.

    2. Template - Email template being used.

    3. Status - Current email status.

    4. Send Date/Time - Date/Time emails in queue will start to be processed.

    5. Type - Document or Campaign email

2. Actions

    1. Email - View the email as the customer will see it. Note that the customer may have images off on in their environment.

    2. Document - View the document associated with the email as the customer will see it. Customer may have a link to their document or an attached PDF.

    3. Info - Hover over the "i" icon for customer name and account number.

3. Email Options

Check the box next to the item(s) for additional options as outlined below.

    1. Send Selected Now - Send selected emails in advance of regular scheduled processing time.

    2. Send All Now - Start processing all emails in queue immediately and ahead of regular scheduled processing time.

    3. Delete Selected - Delete selected emails from queue. Deleted emails will not process at the regular scheduled processing time.

    4. Delete All - Delete all emails in queue immediately. Deleted emails will not process at the regular scheduled processing time.

    5. Download CSV File - Download current queue data file in CSV format.

Email History

1. Date Range

Choose date range of email history you wish to view.

    1. Sent To - Recipients email address.

    2. Template - Email template used.

    3. Status - Current email status.

    4. Send Date/Time - Date and time email was sent.

2. Actions

    1. Email - View the email as the customer received it. Note that the customer may have images off on in their environment.

    2. Track - View email tracking history. Click here for information on email activity.

    3. Document - View the document associated with the email as the customer received it. Customer may have a link to their document or an attached PDF.

    4. Info - Hover over the "i" icon for customer name and account number.

Email Exceptions

View the reason why an email is not being sent coupled with document and email information.