Document Types

Dictate how you want different types of documents to behave.

On this page:

Document Types

Make sending documents easier. Make different documents behave in different ways.

New Document Type

Create a new document type.

Document Types

1. Name

Document name.

    1. Description - Document description. Note that this will appear in an email templates subject line with the variable [%doc_description%].

    2. Security Level - Security applied to the document.

    3. Available Online - Yes=document available online. No=document not available online.

2. Actions

    1. Edit document definition, payment settings, document details and delivery options.

    2. Delete - Remove user from company.

3. New Document Type

Create a new document.

New Document Type

Document Type Definition

  1. Document name

  2. Document Description - Note that this will appear in an email templates subject line with the variable [%doc_description%].

  3. Email Template - Choose the email template associated with this document for email customers.

Payment Settings

  1. Payment Account - Email support to learn about setting up a payment account.

  2. Recurring Payment Template - Choose the email template associated with recurring payments.

  3. Payment Confirmation Template - Choose the email template associated with payments confirmations.

Document Details

  1. Requires a Document - Yes=Document is required. No=Document is not required.

  2. Document is Available Online - Yes=document available online. No=document not available online.

  3. Authentication Required to View Document - Yes=Choose the type of authentication required. No=Authentication not required.

  4. Attach PDF to Email - Yes=This document will always be an attached to email (size limit=512KB). No=This document will be downloaded via link in email body.

  5. Attach PDF Security - When Attach PDF is enabled use security before access to the document is granted.

    1. Note that this option may cause your emails to be blocked by firewalls or anti-virus scanners.

Delivery Options

  1. Allow Customers to Select All Available Delivery Methods - Yes=Customer can choose both print and email, print only or email only. No=Customer can choose print only or email only (they cannot choose both print and email).

  2. Select Delivery Preference Methods Available to Customers - Choose the available delivery preference options customers can choose from. Note that this setting overrides "Allowing Customers to Select All Available Delivery Methods" setting.