My Profile/

Sign Out

Edit your profile or sign out.

My Profile

Allows you to edit your profile.

Sign Out

Signs you out of e-Delivery.

My Profile

User full name

List the name you want representing your eDelivery account. Example:, Joe Smith, Company Inc., etc.

Email address

List the email address you want representing this profile.


Create a secure password.

Retype password

Retype your password for security.

Notification email address

List the email address you want receiving notifications.

Sign Out

If you wish to sign out, you can do so by clicking your username in the top right corner of the page and then selecting the sign out button. Alternatively, you can click the Logout button on the Toolbar Menu. Afterwards you will be taken to the login page where you can login again to the same profile or a different one.

If you wish to sign out, you can do so by clicking your username in the top right corner of the page and then selecting the sign out button.

Alternatively, you can click the Logout button on the Toolbar Menu.

Afterwards you will be taken to the login page where you can login again to the same profile or a different one.