Email Templates

Personalize what you send to customers by managing your Email Templates.

On this page:

Email Templates

Make sending emails easy.

New Email Template

Create a new email template.

Email Templates

1. Name

Email template name.

    1. Subject - Email template subject line.

2. Actions

    1. Edit - Edit email templates definition.

    2. Delete - Remove an email template from company.

    3. Preview - View the email template.

3. New Email Template

Create an email template.

New Email Template

Email Template Definition

    1. Email Template Name

    2. Email Subject - Customize the email templates subject line.

    3. Text Only Email - Enable this if an HTML email isn't needed.

HTML Version

    1. Insert HTML - Add variable data elements and images to your emails.

    2. Customize text, headings and paragraph structure.

    3. Add links and images.

Text Only Version -

Create a text only email template

    1. Generate Text Version from HTML Above - Use this when a text version of an HTML template is needed.

Export HTML/Import HTML