
Term 2: Developing Positive Writing Habits

WALT: Using Punctuation Correctly.


Different Perspectives Writing: Captain Cook's Arrival in NZ

Sunday 8 October 1769

Today my crew and I discovered New Zealand only to find it inhabited by these strange humans with brown skin who can not be British as they are brown ; I am not. 

I have already tried to communicate with them but it is not worth it as they do not speak English. They are now - dancing? And yelling - are they trying to fight or are they just insane?

Bang! One of my men just shot a native New Zealander. Everyone ran over to the motionless body lying on the wet sand. There were people crying, screaming and saying things like kei te whakaekea matou and kei te whakaeke nga tangata ke. Then everything went quiet. They started doing another strange dance but this one sounded darker and scarier. I knew they weren't happy. 

The Tahitian priest Tupaia, I had picked up on my travels in Tahiti, said that one of my men had shot their chief and that is why they were doing a scary dance (he said that was called a haka and the first haka they did was a welcoming haka). He also said that the words they were saying ment we’re under attack and aliens are attacking. “I’m not attacking them, I just want to trade,” I explained.

“Yes, but they think you are trying to attack,” replied Tupaia…


Captain J Cook

Week 6


We use colons to add extra information, lists or detail to sentences.


We headed home after a few extra rides and games: The Kings, Crush's Coaster, Top Spin and plenty more. 


Week 1-3:

Speech Marks/Quotation Marks

There are three main rules to follow when punctuating quotation marks. Firstly, when a quotation is introduced by a reporting verb such as 'said' or 'asked', the comma comes before the opening quotation mark. For example, "I love pizza," said Mary.

Secondly, if the reporting verb comes after the quotation, the comma should be placed inside the closing quotation mark. For example, "I love pizza," Mary said.

Finally, if the quotation is split into two parts, with the reporting verb in the middle, the first part should end with a comma inside the closing quotation mark, and the second part should begin with a capital letter outside the opening quotation mark. For example, "I love pizza," said Mary, "but I'm allergic to tomatoes."


Speakers name first:  (e.g Mary said, "I love pizza.")

When the speakers name is last: (e.g. "I love pizza," said Mary.)

Week 4


My favourite animal is the red panda (Ailurus fulgens), a small mammal native to the eastern Himalayas. They are known for their fluffy tails (which help them balance in trees), as well as their distinctive red and white fur. I have seen one before at on a school trip (Wellington Zoo).


An inspirational example of a first paragraph Introduction using dialogue as the hook

"Are we there yet?" asked my younger brother, his impatience was heard in his voice. "Almost," replied my aunt, as we made our way towards Waitarere Beach in Levin for our family reunion. It had been years since we had all been together, and excitement and anticipation filled the car as we drove towards our destination. Memories of past reunions flooded our minds, and we eagerly awaited the chance to create new ones.


Anzac Gallipoli

“The day I’ve dreaded for years. Why today, why ever?”

the soldier next to me whispered to himself. But he was right, why solve our problems this way? When there are easier, better ways to solve this. Hearing the fear in his voice, I guess I wasn’t the only one that was feeling scared. Just to think I might be helping the country but I could still die out here. Shaking my hands hoping it would shake out all my nerves. I froze as the boat slowed down to a stop. We got out but I knew the war had just begun.

 “GO!” yelled our captain. I could see all my friends stare with rage. BOOM! BANG! KAPOW! A million bombs went off. I could taste the dust coming up from the ground as I swung my foot back and forth. Smelling the ash coming from the flaming black bombs. Crash! I collapsed to the floor, moving my hand to touch my stomach. It’s a bomb, I’ve been shot but I had to go on. I tried to get back up, but I couldn’t. Each time I tried, I just kept on falling back down again. Everything was spinning, I heard a voice calling my name. It was Marcus, “Tj, Tj,” he said. But then something happened, everything went black…

Written by:Tj Wolly & Marcus Mcolle (made up names). 

Haley highlighted the words she used to discuss all the senses.

This student gave herself a R4 for Vocabulary and her friend gave her a R3

She also gave herself a R5 for Punctuation and her friend gave her a R5

How to write recounts
Recount Writing

LI: To Elaborate on ideas.

Success Criteria 

LI: To write recounts using the right Structure and Language

Success Criteria