Term 3: Something Happened Here

WALT: Use our Comprehension skills to explore.....

Māori history is the foundational and continuous history of Aotearoa New Zealand

Colonisation and its consequences have been central to our history for the past 200 years and continue to influence all aspects of New Zealand society

The course of Aotearoa New Zealand’s history has been shaped by the exercise and effects of power

Week 5 : Ahunga Week 6 : Justice

Term 2: Connections across the Pacific

WALT: MAKE CONNECTIONS with other stories the students know about Pacific voyages, IDENTIFY examples of the skills, knowledge, and resources Polynesian voyagers needed to plan and carry out migrations, adding this to the brainstorming notes. REFLECT AND RESPOND: Have the students create a visual presentation that

summarises what they have learnt about the techniques Polynesian voyagers used to

navigate across the Pacific. 

Stories of discovery and journeying are woven into our collective and diverse identities.

This resource shows how four texts from the School Journal series can be used to support learning in the context of whakapapa me te whanaungatanga through the topic of voyaging.

Over years 4–6, students will have many opportunities to learn in this topic, deepen their understandings, and grow their critical thinking about the past.

Term 1: Comprehension Strategies

WALT: Ask Questions to Gain Understanding of Text

Asking Questions
Questioning Year 4