
Have a look at other class and learner blogs. 

Summer Learning Journey

The Summer Learning Journey is designed to be a fun opportunity for learners to create and share over the summer break.

New activities are posted everyday and you can choose between  digital, hands on and collaborative whānau activities. Every time you post the Summer Learning Journey team will comment on your blog and award points with the top bloggers awarded prizes.

Register on the site Teaser activities are posted on our Summer Learning Journey blog now!

If a slide then ...

If a Doc then...

Replying to Comments

We are learning how to reply to comments

Posting on Your Edublog

We are learning how to write great posts.

Posting on your edublog

Quality Comments

We are learning how to write commients that are positive , thoughful, and helpful.

Quality Comments

Your New Blog

We are learning how to post our profile on our  blog.

Your New Blog - Bookmarking & Adding Profile

Blog Profile    

We are learning how to create a blog profile that has some personal information that is appropriate for school in it. 

                      Blog Profile

Blog Profile

Why Blog?

We are learning the reasons why we blog at school and the features of a blog. 

Why Blog?

Kawa of Care

Kawa of Care Kea Class Koputaroa
Kawa of Care Kea Sharing Koputaroa School


Introductions 2023 Kea Class Koputaroa School
Introductions Kea Class 2023

2022 Learning

Find = Control + f

Select All = Control + a

Delete = Alt + backspace

Quality Comments
Our Draft Quality Blog Comments

We are learning how to post on our new blog.

Posting on your edublog
Kea Blog Post Drafts

Logging in to your new blog.

Your New Blog - Bookmarking & Adding Profile
Kea Class Blog Links

We are learning what a good blog profile includes and how to create our own profile. 

Blog Profile

We are learning about the purpose and format of a blog.

WALT Make a Digital Learning Object and Record our Screen.

Ko a maatau mea hanga Mamati Akoranga - Our Digital Learning Objects

WALT Use music created by others and attribute to  them. 

WALT Create our own music and apply a creative commons licence. 

Using and Making Music
Kea's Name Songs

WALT Use and attribute images, and create our own. 

Create a Digital Badge

WALT Write Quality Comments

Quality Comments
Our Draft Quality Blog Comments

WALT Use Smart Passphrases and Passwords

10. Smart Passphrases and Passwords

WALT Know what is private and what is personal information.

Private and Personal
Posting on our Class edublog

WALT Know what a Digital Footprint is and how it is permenant.

Digital Footprints
1 Our Class Blog

We are learning how to split our screen & create a slide animation. 

Slide Animations - Koputaroa

Slide Animations




We are learning how to create with Google Drawings.

Create in Google Drawings - Koputaroa

Create with Google Drawings

We are learning how to use our touchpad well.

Touchpad Tips & Tricks - Koputaroa


* Two finger click and drag          

* The polyline tool

* Double tap/ triple tap to select text

* Change font style and colour      

* 3 finger swipe

* Right clicking with a touchpad


Complete the puzzles using the touchpad tips to help you click and drag like a pro.


Take a screenshot of your polyline star and share it, along with your learning reflections, on the collaborative slide deck.

We are learning how to use our Drive and Keyboard well.

4 Tidy Drive / Know your keyboard CB - Koputaroa

Tidy Drive & Know your keyboard





We are learning how to take care of our chromebook and take screenshots.

3. Kawa of Care / Right Place, Right Time CB -Koputaroa

Kawa of Care/ Screenshots




at the Right Time is on a slide deck

We are learning how to take care of our chromebook and use bookmarks.

Session 2 Kawa of Care / Bookmarks - Koputaroa RM

Kawa of Care & Bookmarks 





Cybersmart Session 1 2022 Introductions - Koputaroa

2 Introductions 

Learn: How to interact respectfully when working on a collaborative document. Replace an image and change the font on Google Slides.

Create: Design a slide on a collaborative slide deck to introduce yourself.

Share: Work on a collaborative slide deck & Jamboard which will be shared via the class blog.

Tōtara Richard Maclean Koputaroa Ko wai to ingoa collaborative slides

Tōtara Koputaroa School

 Ko wai to ingoa collaboratve slides

What would you share? To whom?

Practise your touch typing.

Practise your touchpad skills.

Why Blog?
Blog Profile