Design Thinking

Description of Learning

These tasks are designed to:

In continuation of their remarkable learning journey, the boys expanded their exploration beyond local contexts and ventured into the realm of global sustainability initiatives. They delved into cutting-edge technologies such as flexible solar panels, 'cool' pavements, vertical gardens, and biomass glass, igniting vibrant discussions that offered a platform for the sharing of insights, perspectives, and thought-provoking questions. Engrossed in these conversations, the boys were exposed to a myriad of innovative solutions and witnessed the potential of these sustainable technologies to transform the future of cities.

Notably, moments of realisation emerged as the boys made meaningful connections between the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Global Liveability Index. They recognized how the SDGs provided a framework for global sustainability efforts and how the Global Liveability Index served as a measure of the quality of life in cities worldwide. By drawing these connections, the boys gained a deeper understanding of the interplay between global sustainability goals and the liveability of cities, reinforcing the importance of considering both local and global contexts in their pursuit of creating a more sustainable future.

Armed with their newfound knowledge and a deepening understanding of sustainable practices, the boys were propelled toward envisioning their own liveable city. Leveraging the user-friendly platform,, they tapped into their creativity and design skills to bring their vision to life. Their city design incorporated the innovative technologies and sustainable features they had explored, reflecting their commitment to creating a harmonious balance between human needs and environmental preservation.

Throughout this final phase of the unit, the boys demonstrated remarkable growth in their ability to analyse data, make connections, think critically, and envision sustainable futures. They not only developed a profound appreciation for the multifaceted factors that contribute to a city's liveability but also embraced the responsibility of actively shaping the world they inhabit. The journey empowered them to become active agents of change, equipped with the knowledge and skills to contribute to a more sustainable and livable future for all.

Sustainable Building Innovations

ISTE - Sustainable Innovations

Task Outline and the Chosen Location's 2021 / Projected Census Data

Tinkering Towards Tomorrow Maths Task Checklist
ISTE 2023 Data and Projections

Collaborative Planning via Miro Board

Collaborative City Build via