COVID-19 Response

KM Return to Play/ Mitigation Guidelines

Parents, students and coaches should self-assess before leaving to any activity. If you have ANY of the symptoms below, please contact Ryan Tomczyk-

Reminders for All:

    1. If your temperature is 100.4 or higher - DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL.

    2. If you have any of the following symptoms, with or without fever: chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea - DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL.

    3. If you have been exposed to someone who has been ill with any of the above symptoms, or has tested positive to COVID-19 - DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL.

    4. If you answered YES to any of the above symptoms, contact and follow the advice of your medical provider.

    5. If a student becomes ill during class, he/she will be isolated and parents will be contacted to come and pick the student up. Please have a plan in place that can be used if this situation arises.

When in the building and in shared space or limited distancing, all students and staff:

    • please encourage wearing a face covering when in the building - masks will be provided by the district if needed.

    • strictly observe at least 6ft. of distancing between individuals.

    • USE HAND SANITIZER when entering and exiting the building or as needed. Wash hands with soap and water whenever possible.

    • Water fountains will not be available, bottle fillers will be available.

    • staff and students will only travel from entrance/exit to classroom, using the nearest restroom, and no other places in the building.

    • Students will enter/exit through labeled doors where indicated.

Students will:

    • Students should bring all of the items they will need as directed by the teacher. Students will not be allowed to share (water bottles, shirts, shorts, shoes, etc.).

    • Attendance will be taken every day at the entry point

    • Please wear a face covering when in the building and when not doing strenuous activities.

    • Focus on staying with the same cohort/ groups, no switching teams or courts.

    • Student will place equipment 6 feet apart from each other

    • Students will keep 6 feet distance with no group close cheers

    • Each session will have a 15 minute break to clean between groups to disinfect/clean the environment.

Updated as of July 14th, 2020 Video resource to watch Sports Prep Video