Unseen Poetry

Unseen Poetry Mark Scheme

Unseen mark-scheme.pdf

Looking for an approach to get top marks?

Unseen Poetry Lessons

1 - Introduction to Unseen Poetry.pptx
2 - The Clown Punk.pptx
3 - The Horse Whisperer.pptx
4 - Medusa.pptx
5 - Brendon Gallacher.pptx
6 - Give.pptx
7 - Les Grands Siegneurs.pptx
8 - The River God.pptx
9 - The Hunchback in the Park.pptx
10 - The Ruined Maid.pptx
11 - Case History Alison.pptx
12 - On a Portrait of a Deaf Man.pptx
13 - His Visitor.pptx
14 - The Ghost in the Garden.pptx
15 - Morning Song and You Being Born.pptx

Unseen Poetry Exemplar Responses

Response to 'My Father' & 'For Heidi'.docx
Response to 'My Father' & 'For Heidi'.docx
Lesson 3 - In To a Daughter Leaving Home.docx
Lesson 5 - Daughter-Sister Comparison Grid.docx

Unseen Poetry Practice Papers

Lesson 1 - Unseen Anaysis tips.docx
Teach Yourself - Scaffolded Approach to Poetry Analysis by Ms Truesdale.docx
Unseen Poetry Anthology.docx
Slow Reader.pptx
Unseen Revision Autumn and comparison.pptx
Unseen Poetry.pptx
Unseen poem - Brothers.docx
My Father Thought It & For Heidi with Blue Hair.docx
Lesson 1 - Unseen Anaysis + Human Family.pptx
Lesson 1 - Human Family Poem.docx
Lesson 2 - Caged Bird.pptx
Lesson 2 - Caged Bird.docx
Lesson 3 - To a Daughter Leaving Home.pptx
Lesson 3 - Daughter Leaving Home.docx
Lesson 4 - Poem for my sister.doc
Lesson 5 - Comparing unseen poems.docx
Lesson 6 - Survivors Guilt.pptx
Lesson 6 - After the Titanic.docx
Lesson 7 - A Survivors Guilt Comparison Unseen.pptx
Lesson 7 - After the Titanic and Survivors Guilt.docx
Lesson 8 - Hitcher and Education for Leisure.docx
Lesson 8 - Unseen poetry comparison.doc
Lesson 9 - Unseen Revision Autumn.pptx
Lesson 9 - Autumn When Autumn Came Unseen practice.docx
Lesson 5 - Analysing Unseen Poetry Booklet - Daughter vs Sister.docx
Unseen Revision Cities.pptx
Woman Work & Overheard in County Sligo.docx
City practice.docx
Island Man and The Lake Isle of Innisfree.docx
In The Can & Human Interest.docx
Funeral Blues & About His Person.docx
End of relationship practice.docx