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Don't know your GCSE Pod login? Click any of the links and go through "Forgotten your login details?" and enter your name, date of birth, school and reset your details. This should work for everyone.

Accessing SAM Learning. Your username and password by default:

your 4 digit number is your username.

Your centre number is E6KC. Click forgot password to reset but it should give you a link to your school email.

How to log in on Doddle.

  1. Institution: "Kingsford Community School E6 5JG"

  2. Next Enter your full name with the year you started school at the end E.g. JoeBloggs15 (if you have middle names, try a combination with or without them"

  3. Your password is preset to "Kingsford"

How to create an effective mind map:

    1. When mind mapping you need to identify and place the central topic at the centre of your mind map. It will serve as the central image or the focal point of the map.

    2. Then place the main themes of the central topic radiates from the central image. This is why mind mapping is known to be the expression of radiant thinking.

    3. Finally, the 2nd level topics will form as the branches for your mind map.

For more guidance, check out these links:


Flash cards are strategically designed to enhance and encourage active recall. The format, usually a question on one side of the card and the answer on the other, requires you to look at one side and recall the information from the other side.

Practicing active recall creates stronger neural connections in the brain — making it a very effective method for improving memory. As you engage active recall and repetition, flash cards allow for another process called spaced repetition. As you run through your deck of cards, there will be a natural space of time before the same card appears again. Repeating that information after a period of time helps create permanent memories, whereas cramming and forcing the information in a short time doesn’t help it to stick.

A Christmas Carol Knowledge Organiser.docx

Knowledge organiser

A knowledge organiser is a document, usually no more than two sides of A4, that contains key facts and information for your chosen topic.

English knowledge organisers will include the essential facts about characters, plot, quotes, context and methods used, as well as the writer's purpose with their text. This is often organised in easy-to-digest chunks that flow in a way that you will understand.

Research shows that our brains remember things more efficiently when we know the ‘bigger picture’ and this is exactly what our knowledge organiser does. You can see the way that nuggets of knowledge within the text link together and this helps information move into our long-term memory. The more you know, the more you learn – which helps to gain deeper understanding over time. You should try this as soon as you have finished reading your text!

Try creating your own revision resources!


Don't know your login? Click "Log in" and enter your details. If you do not remember your details, click "Forgot your password" and enter your email address, which should be your school VLE email address e.g. with "xxxx" being your four-digit school computer log in code.

Take Time to Take Care of Yourself


Feeling stressed or anxious is not always a bad thing. Sometimes this shows us that we feel passionate about something, that we are excited for something, or that we are preparing for something. When we begin to feel stressed it is important that we are able to identify the signs and find ways that help us to cope with and manage our stress.

Below are some tips that may help you if you ever feel anxious or stressed.

Coping with exam pressure.pdf

Who can you talk to if you are struggling with stress or anxiety?

  • Your friends

  • Your parents

  • Your tutor teacher

  • Your English teacher

  • Your PSO

  • Your YPL

  • Ms McIntosh

  • Mr Ashford

  • Any adult in the school!