Poetry Anthology

Annotated Power and Conflict poems and comparison revision tables

_Annotated Anthology.pdf
Poetry Mark Scheme with Examples.docx
Poetry Mark Scheme.docx
Revision for all poems.pdf
Poetry Summary and Quotes.pptx
Poetry Revision Guide Great.pdf
Z Knowledge Organiser.pdf
Z poetry links.pptx
Z Images task for poems - revision.pptx

Looking for an approach to get top marks?

Comparison of Poems from the Anthology

Essay scaffolding on poetry.docx
Poetry comparision tasks.docx
Comparison Exemplar - Ozy vs LDN.docx
Lesson 7 - Comparison Venn Prelude and one other.docx
Remains vs Emigree.pptx
BC vs CotlB.pptx
Z Context Activities MOST poems.docx
Bayonet Charge - Activity QUOTE Cards.docx
Poetry Comparison - Exposure and war photographer.pptx
Lesson 7 - Comparison of Nature.pptx
Lesson 5 - Comparison.pptx
Lesson 11 - Remains vs The Emigree.pptx
COMPARISON practice - Storm and Exposure.doc
Compare - Remains and Poppies.docx
Compare - Ozymandias and London.docx
Compare - COTLB and Exposure.docx

Examples of Comparison Essays - Student Work

_Feedback Lesson EXAMPLE FROM ATR.pptx

PowerPoints covering Anthology Poems

Lesson 1 and 2 - Ozymandias and Storm on the Island.pptx
Lesson 6 - Extract from the Prelude.pptx
Lesson 3 and 4 - Storm on the Island.pptx
Lesson 9 - Tissue.pptx
Lesson 8 - London.pptx
London - Fish.ppt
Checkin out me History.pptx
The Charge of the Light Brigade.pptx
Bayonet Charge.pptx
Bayonet Charge - Alternative.pptx
War Photographer.pptx
War Photographer.ppt
Lesson 10 - The Emigree.pptx
Lesson 12 - The Emigree.pptx
Lesson 11 - Remains vs The Emigree.pptx

Video Analysis of Poems

Past Questions + Practice Questions

June 2017: Compare how poets present the effects of war in ‘Bayonet Charge’ and in one other poem from ‘Power and conflict’.

June 2018: Compare how poets present ideas about power in ‘Ozymandias’ and in one other poem from ‘Power and conflict’.

June 2019: Compare how poets present the ways that people are affected by war in ‘War Photographer’ and in one other poem from ‘Power and conflict’.


1. Compare how memory is presented as a powerful force in ‘Kamikaze’ and one other poem from Power and Conflict.

2. Compare the ways the poets present the power of negative feelings in ‘London’ and one other poem from Power and Conflict.

3. Compare how poets present the power of nature in ‘Extract from the Prelude…’ and one other poem from Power and Conflict.

4. Compare how poets present the experience of those in a conflict in ‘Exposure’ and one other poem from Power and Conflict.

5. Compare how poets present pride in ‘Ozymandias’ and one other poem from Power and Conflict.

6. Compare how poets present human power in ‘My Last Duchess’ and one other poem from Power and Conflict.

7. Compare how poets present the reality of conflict in ‘Charge of The Light Brigade’ and one other poem from Power and Conflict.

8. Compare how feelings of powerlessness are shown in ‘Storm on the Island’ and one other poem from Power and Conflict.

9. Compare how the effects of conflict are shown in ‘Bayonet Charge’ and one other poem from Power and Conflict.

10. Compare how poets present anger in ‘Remains’ and one other poem from Power and Conflict.

11. Compare how poets present loss in ‘Poppies’ and one other poem from Power and Conflict.

12. Compare how poets present guilt in ‘War Photographer’ and one other poem from Power and Conflict.

13. Compare how poets present identity in ‘Tissues and one other poem from Power and Conflict.

14. Compare how poets present individual experiences in ‘The Emigree’ and one other poem from Power and Conflict.

15. Compare how poets present oppression in ‘Checking Out Me History’ and one other poem form Power and Conflict.

Poetry practice questions....pdf
Poetry Mark Scheme with Examples.docx

Revision Creation - Blank Resources + Quizzes

Power and Conflict flash cards - Create your own.pdf
Power and Conflict flash cards and revision quizzes.pptx
Z AQA GCSE Poetry Revision - Power and Conflict (6).pdf