
Field Period®   

Keuka College knows the value in experiential learning, as we have seen time and time again how Field Period®  has helped students grow in areas of self-exploration, career exploration, professional experience, and world citizenship.  To ensure students are not losing this crucial learning component of a Keuka College education, if a traditional site-based experience is not possible, an alternative option is available.

This option is further outlined below.  Before pursuing your upcoming Field Period®  plans, be sure to discuss your ideas with your faculty advisor and to see how these resources could be part of a worthy and successful Field Period®.  As always, appropriate Field Period®  learning objectives, activities, and the designated course number must be approved by your faculty advisor through Handshake before you can be registered and begin your experience.  The project-based option may not be appropriate for some major-specific course requirements as determined by your faculty advisor.

Project-Based Field Period® 

In developing an alternative Field Period®  option, we first had to identify the essence of what all Field Period®  experiences entail.  Here is what we came up with: 

This alternative Project-Based Field Period® option takes the essence of what Field Period®  is all about and allows students to design their own learning and development opportunities independent of working with a company or organization.   It will typically have these three components:

If deemed appropriate by the faculty advisor, students can opt to come up with two projects (of about 70-hours each) to meet the minimum hour requirements of Field Period and demonstrate appropriate academic rigor.  Depending on the nature of the Field Period®, students may also partner or team up on robust projects to maximize the final outcome.

Proposals will need to be submitted in Handshake with "Project-Based” selected as the experience type and your project name in place of the organization.  You will be required to identify specific resources you will be using and, if applicable, a link to what will become your finished product.  It will go to your faculty advisor, who will also serve as your site supervisor, for approval before you can begin. A journal, critical reflection paper, and presentation are all required components in the final reflections of this Field Period®.  The created product can serve as your unique documentation.  The estimated hour breakdown is available below.

If costs accrue in the creation of a project, students can apply for possible funding through the Scholarship tab on the Field Period®  Resources website.