KGC Integrated Learning

Our Vision

Culturally connected ākonga with the mōhiotanga to be agents of change


Kia mōhio kia rangatira / To wisdom with honour 

Manaaki i a Tātou

Respect ourselves

Tātou Curriculum - Self 

He kākano āhau, I ruia mai i Rangiātea

I am a seed born of greatness

Empowering and upholding the mana and hinengaro of akonga to enable them to thrive in the pathway of their choice. 

Taught in age-based modules, vertical groups and multilevel classes and encompasses Ngā Toa o Kerehana time as well as Literacy and Numeracy skills weaving with Rātou. Each learner has a Kaiako, a coach who helps them on their learning journey. As students develop in the self strand, the skills and competencies they develop will be used and needed in the other curriculum strands.

The Kaiako forms strong positive relationships with students and develops the whanau school link. They are the key contact for the whanau and school. They develop the student both pastorally and academically. They are the guide and champion of each student. They work in partnership with Akonga and Whanau to ensure the programme selected is one that challenges and enriches. 

Taught skills include learning to learn, aspirations, life skills and well being. These are delivered in a module programme often in a tuakana teina model. These skills build our ākonga into self-directed learners.

Manaaki i a Rātou

Respect others

Rātou Curriculum - Others

Ko te manu e te kai o te miro nona te ngahere, Ko te manu e kai ana o te matauranga nona te ao

The bird that eats the miro berry is the forest, the bird that feasts on knowledge is the world.

Akonga will partake in real-world contextual student-driven learning to wananga where they bring their tino rangatiratanga of their iwi into their classroom.


Specialist subject teaching through trimester based modules that cover the full breadth of the New Zealand curriculum.  Integration of learning areas to focus on learning and not assessment across all year and curriculum levels. 

Trimester based course selections allow for depth and breadth of curriculum studies and national assessment opportunities. Linking of curriculum areas allows common skill sets to be developed. 

The Kaiako and ākonga select modules to meet the needs and interests of all learning pathways. Ākonga develops deep content knowledge, critical and creative thinking skills and independent learning skills. Separate numeracy and literacy-based modules in specialist curriculum areas designed to spark learning and development for all. 

Manaaki i te Hapori 

Respect our Community

Hapori Curriculum - Community

Ma te huruhuru ka rere te Manu/

Adorn the bird with feathers so it can fly

Adorn our akonga with opportunities to connect to mana whenua and te ao hurihuri in an authentic setting so they can lead with mana and integrity.

Hapori focuses on collaborative learning with a real-world and community focus. Inquiry-based Pop up passions instil a love of learning where akonga can explore different skills, interests and passions. Sustainability, culture and enterprise are key themes that are explored. Multi-aged and level classes allow leadership opportunities and connections to be made. Developing the sisterhood throughout the school. Dedicated learning blocks and community weeks emphasis the importance of the connections we make to our community. 

Dedicated trades pathways to explore learning outside of the school environments.  Project partnerships with business and other external expertise ensure learning links to the real world.

Hapori integrates a wide range of curriculum areas in a real-world setting. This purpose-based learning develops skills that enable akonga to become future focussed lifelong learners through authentic situations. Akonga develop the skills of critical thinking, problem-solving, planning and collaboration