Generic Task and learning Design

These are some suggested templates to guide you if you have planned an integrated course, but wish to leave the Learning Task(s) as seperate documents and entities.

This is a method used successfully in a number of schools, and allows for the individual clarifications and nuances to be captured without much difficulty. This is not the recommended way of assessing at KGC - unless there is no other way. It does little to address assessment load.

Often this method of task design keeps the contexts of learning outside the task design, and focuses the task on the specific skills and outcomes required. This then means individual conferencing and workshopping between the Teacher and Learner becomes very important, as the application of the task to the specific context will need to occur on an individual basis.

Possible Planning Template

NCEA Task Template




Unpacking the standard (Year 10)
Unpacking The Standard (Y9)
Unpacking The Assessment (Culture and Identity - Food)