
Welcome to P.E. with Coach Cerny and Coach Heady

My name is Kelly Cerny and this is my 18th year to teach PE at Bette Perot Elementary. Previously I taught third grade in Conroe ISD and Keller ISD. I loved working with children in the classroom, but I have also thoroughly enjoyed teaching students about physical fitness and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In PE we try to teach the students about a variety of sports as well as recreational activities that they can continue to play throughout their life.
PE Attire-
Students are welcome to wear almost anything to PE. Girls can wear their skirts and dresses as long as they have shorts on underneath.

The most important item that students need to remember are TENNIS SHOES. When purchasing tennis shoes for your child, please make sure to buy shoes that have laces that tie or straps. It is crucial that the tennis shoe stays securely on the foot so that the shoe does not come off. Students run daily and we often play games in which we kick a ball.

Click here to see a GENIUS way to tie shoes!!!!

Running Club
- I love running club!!! :-) This is a great activity for your child! Our PTA has put together an amazing program and I encourage all of our students to participate if interested.

Facebook Page
-Check out our new PE facebook page. I will try to post pictures weekly. We have so much fun in PE and I want our parents to get a glimpse of all that we do. :-)

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