Meaningful Differentiation

July 24, 2024 Mitchell SD 

July 25, 2024 Brookings SD

Presented by A Word With Us

A Word With Us, LLC  is passionate about providing tailored, practical workshops that provide educators with tools they can implement the following day. We present the way we teach in order to model what students need. The presentation will be interactive—requiring participants to work in pairs, groups, and with the presenters as they differentiate materials. 


This session is tailored for classroom teachers and ESL teachers seeking to enhance their understanding of differentiation strategies to effectively meet the diverse needs of multilingual students in the content classroom.

*This State-Wide Title III Consortium event is offered only to South Dakota State-Wide Title III Consortium members. 

Please contact your district administration or the event coordinators to inquire about consortium membership.

Workshop Description

A Word With Us is passionate about providing tailored, practical workshops that provide educators with tools they can implement the following day. We present the way we teach in order to model what students need. Meaningful Differentiation is grounded in practice and experience. 

As teachers, we know that we should differentiate, but do we always do it? Are we intentional about our differentiation? The Meaningful Differentiation workshop provides educators with specific steps to follow and resources to use when differentiating content materials for various students. Participants will discover the steps for differentiation, interact with sample tasks, and collaborate with the presenters for ideas for tasks within their content area. Led by an EL teacher and a content teacher, the presentation will be co-taught, virtual and interactive—requiring participants to provide input and responses using the Pear Deck extension. 

Overall Objectives

For EL Teachers: The overall objective for the workshop is to provide EL teachers with a process for differentiation that is intentional based on the students they teach and the content areas they collaborate with. 

For Content Teachers: The overall objective for the workshop is to provide secondary teachers with a process for differentiation that is realistic and achievable for content teachers. Content teachers will also learn how to collaborate with interventionists (EL, SpEd, and Reading teachers) to facilitate differentiation.


Please be advised that a minimum of 20 participants is necessary at each location to facilitate the workshops effectively. Additionally, kindly note the registration deadline is July 10, 2024. Participants can choose from one of the following dates.

Tentative Agenda

Locations:  Venues TBD

CEUs will be offered for this event.

Questions: Please contact your Consortium support staff.