The Fine Arts Department is composed of a variety of personalities who will help you rediscover your creativity. If you have questions, please contact the teachers listed below. Check out the rest of the site for more information about our department. See you soon!

Scott Eriksen, Band

Matthew Yamada, Band

Ralph Dela Cruz, Ceramics

Laxmi Diaz, Ceramics

Garret Kojima, Drawing and Painting

Oscar Ramiscal, Photography

Jo Ann Mastin, Yearbook, Newswriting, Photography

Jonathan Kea, Guitar

Yadira Rosa, General Art, Ceramics

Maile Trelles, General Art

Alexandra Wick, General Art

Ikaika Bicoy, Photography

Above are current instructors (Fall 2022) in the Fine Arts Department. Other instructors include Bryce Tomatani (Photography), and Melissa Padilla (AP Art History). We are also supported by Ahndi Flores who serves as a part-time teacher (PTT) in our department, and Vice Principal Kathy Silva.