Guess Who?? Mrs. Guion in 5th grade!

jtm 2020 art showcase

Mrs. Guion, the fantastic JTM art teacher, has graciously shared art work samples from her students this quarter. Check out these fabulous pieces!

"Art students have been having a blast sharpening their drawing skills, learning everything from how to draw human body proportions to discovering an artist who makes work from spit-up food!"-Mrs. Guion

Lily Hunt-5th grade

Olivia Terry-5th grade

Sims Downey-5th grade

Lineker Gonzalez-8th grade

Angel Boston-5th grade

Jamiya Mason-7th grade

Abby Elliott-8th grade

Bailey Bowen-5th grade

Avery Beck-5th grade

Olivia Terry-5th grade

Nathan Gilmore-5th grade

Isaac Snow-7th grade

Camilla Dibin-8th grade

Brooke Snow-7th grade

Viven Lee-5th grade

Brooke Snow-7th

jtm theatre 2020

JTMoore Theatre is learning how to create projects virtually during our extended time of distance learning. Although we miss our time on the JTM stage, we continue to connect with one another weekly and look forward to live theatre again soon!

If you are interested in joining a virtual theatre group, contact Kyla O’Neal ( We have currently been workshopping the one-act play Ghost House by Rachel Blublitz and honing the technical skills of virtual theatre.

In their quiet afterlife, Bane and Corse play checkers, write songs, and get one occasional thrill: spooking the kids who wander into their house. And as luck would have it, tonight some little live things DO slink in. Gray and a group of pals hope to gain bragging rights by spending the whole night in this, the hauntedest of all haunted houses. Meanwhile Gray's older sibling Royal brings friends to try and scare Gray's group out of their wits. But they soon find out Bane and Corse have that covered! Surprises are everywhere in this silly, spooky play written especially for online performance.