How can you serve your community?

Mr. Bryant shared some ways to serve your community right now. Host a neighborhood shoe/clothing/food drive by setting up a collection box for items and placing notes about it around the neighborhood. There is a great need for food drives and donations to Second Harvest, especially! Also, you can engage in simple acts of service. Here are some ideas: rake leaves for a neighbor, babysit for a relative, or spread positive messages via cards or social media.

Mr. Lute, FCA sponsor, shared his thoughts on the importance of serving those in your community. "Community service is important because it allows us to give of ourselves to others. When we do this, we get a better understanding of the people in our community. Also, selfishly, it probably makes you feel good too".

JTM community service

by Alex Raybuck

“One Bag at a Time”

Last year Ms. Friar and Ms. Pam organized a program called “One Bag at a Time.” It was a program that took plastic bags, like Kroger or Publix grocery bags, and created woven mats for homeless people. Ms. Pam used her skills and knowledge of crocheting, a form of knitting, to turn what most people see as useless plastic bags into mats. Because the mats were made from recycled plastic bags, they were water resistant and had a handle for easy carrying, and the mats would also hold some heat, for warmth. At this time of year these mats are very helpful because it is getting colder and wetter outside and so these mats provide another way for people sleeping in the elements to stay a little drier and a little warmer. The other great thing about these mats, is that they are a simple solution to the issue of recycling all of the plastic grocery bags that so often litter our streets and our oceans. Thank you, Ms. Friar and Ms. Pam, for your creativity and compassion for others.

“Reading Buddies”

The “Reading Buddies” program is a partnership dreamt up by our own Ms. Elliott, and Ms. Hartley, the librarian at Waverly Belmont Elementary School. The program takes 5th and 6th grade students from Mrs. Elliott, Ms. Bryan, and Ms. Smithson’s PLT reading class on a field trip to Waverly Belmont Elementary School to read to Kindergartners and 1st graders. When asked about the program and her favorite aspect of “Reading Buddies”, Ms. Bryan replied, “I love the confidence the 5th and 6th grade students demonstrate when they interact and read aloud to the younger students. It's really a great time to show off their reading skills and leadership in positive reader behaviors. I always tear up a little when I watch our students interact with their younger, smaller counterparts; it's very sweet to see older kids and younger kids enjoying a good book. I'm so proud of them, and the little kids love when the big kids visit them to read!”

Unfortunately, while the program has been successful over these last three years, COVID-19 has thrown a wrench into the program, temporarily. But in the interview, Ms. Bryan said that she was hopeful to see a virtual program of “Reading Buddies” to carry on, until we can all meet in person again!

"Fellowship of Christian Athletes"

Mr. Bryant, FCA sponsor, mentioned the service projects FCA participated in last year. The group collected materials for three Operation Christmas Child boxes. These are delivered to kids in low-income parts of the world and include things like toys, school and hygiene supplies.

Also, FCA had a big clothing and shoe drive. The clothing was divided between Unicycle and Thriftsmart, and the shoes were delivered to Soles4Souls. Rough totals collected were 170 pairs of shoes and 330 clothing items.

in person school vs. virtual school

by Emily Hull

Happy winter season everyone!! I thought I might just compare a few similarities and differences of In Person and Virtual School.

Here's an inspiring video to watch during these difficult times.