
About World Cafe

JSDB2021では、午前中は参加者全員でワールドカフェ形式の交流・ディスカッションを行います。 偶然の出会いが未来への扉を開くきっかけになるかも??

The morning session of JSDB2021 is a "Word-Cafe" style mixer/discussion. You may come across someone who will open a door for a bright future.


What to prepare


If you have a poster presentation, share your poster. If you have an oral presentation, share your presentation (or summarized poster). If you do not have any presentations, please prepare your graphical abstract for your introduction.

まず9:50に、全員、事前にメールで通知したワールドカフェルーム 用のZOOM roomに集合してください。当日の流れの説明を行います。

First, let's join to the ZOOM room for World Cafe at 9:50, which will be sent by e-mail. We will give you an introduction.


From 10:00AM, we will randomly be assigned to one of the breakout room of 5-6 people. No one knows who will be in the room. Let's see!


When you enter the room, let's star the 1st round. Firstly, introduce yourself using the graphical abstract within 1 minute (Max 10min).


The facilitator assigned to each room pick up 2 persons who will provide a topic (flash talk). Basically, poster presenter will be most prioritized, followed by oral presenter and general attendees.


After the introductions, have a 10 minute disussion with flash talk of the first person. Then, do the same for the next person's flash talk and discussion.

さて席替えの時間です!次のブレイクアウトルームに入り、第2ラウンドを始めます。発表するごとにポイントが1つ減ります。ファシリテーターは 最高ポイントの人を2名指名してください。

Now the time for seat changes. You will be randomly assigned to the next room, and start the 2nd round. Each time you talk about your work, you will loose 1 point. Facilitator will pick up 2 persons with highest score.


At the 3rd round, you may see the people who was in the same room before. You may feel strange coincidence.


The World Cafe will be held on both June 17 and 18. Six rounds in total. How many new friends will we make!
