College and Career Readiness Cord 


The purpose of the College and Career Readiness Portfolio is to help students prepare for life after high school .  The College and Career Readiness Student Portfolio is designed to give students the opportunity to experience leadership, demonstrate academic achievement, develop career ready skills, and prepare for college. In order to successfully complete the College and Career Readiness Student Portfolio, students must complete both Core and Supplemental requirements in four areas: Leadership, Academic Achievement, Career Readiness, and College Readiness

Students can download a Student Portfolio Tracking Sheet (below) to keep track of the portfolio requirements. Requirements and documents necessary for each component of the College and Career Readiness Student Portfolio are by clicking the buttons below.

Portfolios must be submitted by no later than May 8th, 2024 to be considered for the College and Career Readiness Cord.

CCR Cord Tracking Sheet 2023-24.pdf

Core and Supplemental Requirements