
Fall 2021-2022

This year students were given a choice between four different writing prompts. They chose one of the four prompts to incorporate in their story in some way. They had a minimum requirement of 750 words.

We worked on several aspects of the writing process, which included brainstorming, plot outlines, developing strong conflicts and characters, and diving into specific moments with sensory details.

Spring 2021- 2022

This year students were asked to choose an ancient civilization that had the greatest impact on modern society. Students had the choice between the civilizations we studied in Social Studies: Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, Indus Valley, Aztec, Maya or Inca civilizations.

We worked on creating strong thesis statements and topic sentences to support our initial claims. We then worked on backing up those claims with reasons or evidence. We then worked on supporting those pieces of evidences with reasons why it proved our point and ended our paragraphs with strong conclusions. We also worked on hooking our audience and ending our essays with a bang!