
Intro to World Religions

World Religions

Students started out the year by learning about the different religions around the world. They concluded their learning with a research project on a religion we did not cover in class. They presented their findings to the class.

Types of Government

Students then moved onto learning about the different types of government. They concluded their learning by conducting another research project about a country they've always wanted to visit.

Styles of Government Presentation
Ancient Civilizations

Ancient Civilizations

Students continued their learning by studying the ancient civilizations. They simultaneously learned about Greek mythology and researched their own Greek gods and goddesses. They composed a Flipgrid presentation to explain the god/goddesses significance, characteristics, and modern representations of the deity (just to name a few). They used the information taught from the ancient civilizations as the basis of their formal writing piece.


The last unit of history the students learned was the concept of Sociology. We took a very basic approach to this unit as to not overwhelm the students, but they learned about what a sociologist would study. The students discovered that sociology was the study of development, structure, and functioning of human society. They also learned about the concept of social class and how that system currently works in the United States. We then used this concept of sociology to support their end of the year project -- create their own civilization.

Sociology - Review