
Create Admin

Create (Asign) Admin

Whan an Admin Role is created, you can assign Admin users using this command. Change customer to an OU if you want to limit the role to a spcific OU.

gam create admin <User Email Addres> <Admin Role Name> customer

Create Adminrole


This will create an Admin role and unless specified, the role will have no privileges. Add the option privileges all to give the Admin roll all privileges. However, you probably want to asign reduced privileges. This is probably easier to asign these manually in the Admin console.

gam create adminrole "<Role Name>"

Delete Admin

Delete (Remove) Admin

This command cannot be performed on yourself.

The <RoleAssignmentId> is obtained by running the gam print admins user <User Email Address> command, shown in the Print Admins section.

gam delete admin <RoleAssignmentId>

Print Adminroles


To view current privileges. This Google Sheet will allow you to view all the possible privileges and then be able to assign them with the gam create admin command.

gam print adminroles privileges todrive

Print Admins

Print All Users

View all the Admins in all the roles

gam print admins todrive

Print Specific User

To view the Admin Roles for a specific user

gam print admins user <User Email Address> todrive

Specific Role

gam print admins role id:<RoleID>

Print Roles

gam print roles todrive