
NB From 25-March-2019 Group Properties have been modified, see


Manager to Multiple Groups

gam user <Manager Email Address> add groups manager <Group 1 Email Address>,<Group 2 Email Address>,<ETC>



gam create alias <Alias Email Address> group <Group Email Address>


gam remove alias <Group Email Address> group <Alias Email Address>

Delete Group(s)

Using CSV

Create a CSV file with just the email addresses of the groups to delete

gam csv <CSV File> gam delete group ~email

User from All Groups

gam user <User Email Address> delete groups

From Users in OU

Remove the users, in an OU, from all their groups.

gam ou_and_children "</Path/To/OU>" print email | gam csv - gam user ~primaryEmail delete groups


Single Group

gam info group <group name>

Hide Deprecated

Show just the current fields.

gam info group <group name> nodeprecated

CIFields (createtime)

Date a group was created

gam info group <Group Email Address> cifields createtime

Print group(s)

No members

Create a sheet of Groups with no members. These groups may have Managers and Owners.

gam config csv_output_row_filter "directMembersCount:count=0" print groups directmemberscount todrive

No Members, No Managers and No Owners

gam config csv_output_row_filter "'MEMBER:count=0','MANAGER:count=0','OWNER:count=0'" all users print groups countsonly todrive


gam config csv_output_row_filter "TotalCount:count=0" print groups members managers owners totalcount countsonly todrive

Single Group

gam group <group name> print allfields todrive

To just show the users in the group

gam group <group name> print users fields name

All Groups

gam print groups settings todrive [OR > groups.csv]

All Fields for All Groups in Domain

gam print groups domain <your domain> allfields todrive

Group Members for All Groups in Domain

Add notsuspended to ignore suspended users.

gam print groups members domain <your domain> todrive

Show the Groups which have a specific user

gam print groups member <User Email Address>

Show a list of groups that a user is subscribed to. This works for both internal users and external domains.

gam print groups query memberkey='<user email address inc @Domain>' todrive

Groups a User is a Member of

This will only show direct memebership. It will not show where a User is a memeber of a sub-group.

gam print groups member <user email address>

Include a cell of the members, managers and owners as well the count of each type.

gam print groups member <user email address> members managers owners todrive

Or only show the counts columns

gam print groups member <user email address> members managers owners countsonly todrive

Show  the counts columns and total count (sum) of the members, managers and owners columns. 

gam print groups member <user email address> members managers owners countsonly totalcount todrive


Total count for groups larger than 100. Change 100 to a different number as required.

gam config csv_output_row_filter "TotalCount:count>=100" print groups countsonly totalcount members manager owners todrive

Only show the group email addresses, add csv_output_header_filter email.

gam config csv_output_row_filter "TotalCount:count>=100" csv_output_header_filter email print groups countsonly totalcount members managers owners

Totalcount for All Groups

If totalcount column is zero (0) then indicated an empty group.

gam print groups domain <Your Domain> members managers owners countsonly totalcount todrive

By partial start of Group name

Find groups starting with ...

gam print groups query "email:<Start of Name>*"


Anyone Can Post

gam print groups domain <> matchsetting whocanpostmessage anyone_can_post owners todrive

Groups with Collaborative Inbox

gam config csv_output_row_filter "enableCollaborativeInbox:boolean:true" redirect csv ./CollaborativeInboxGroups.csv print groups fields enableCollaborativeInbox todrive

Filter by Setting & Group Name

This example will print the list of goups starting with <Text> and where the setting whoCanJoin is ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_JOIN. Change setting as needed. Remove not if you want groups starting with the <Text>.

gam config csv_output_row_filter "whoCanJoin:text=ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_JOIN" print groups emailmatchpattern not '<Text>.+' settings fields whoCanJoin todrive


gam print groups fields spammoderationlevel todrive

Print group-members

Exclude Groups

The options are emailmatchpattern, namematchpattern or descriptionmatchpattern. See this section for an explaination of the regex search options

gam print group-members domain <Your Domain> emailmatchpattern not '^<Text to Match>.*' roles owners

Get Group Members

For an Individual Group.

The _ns (not suspended) at the end of the group_ns will ensure that only active members will be listed.

gam print group-members group_ns <Group Email Address> todrive

For All Groups

gam print group-members domain <your domain> todrive

Owners & Managers Only

gam print group-members group <Group Email Address> roles owners,managers

Show the Groups that are Members of Other Groups

gam print group-members types group todrive

Including Sub-Groups

To see when a user is a member of a group including when they are memebers of sub-groups

gam config show_gettings false print group-members recursive memberemaildisplaypattern "<User Email Address>" members todrive

Find Groups with Nested Groups

gam print group-members types group todrive

Find Group members including members of Nested Groups

gam print group-members group <Group Email Address> recursive noduplicates todrive

Email Display Pattern

gam print group-members memberemaildisplaypattern ".*@<Domain To Check>"

Check Groups in your Domain, which contain members in a specific Domain, such as The added emailmatchpattern option has been added where you want to exclude specific groups. For example, we have groups that are automatically generated, which all start with the same prefix. These can be excluded as they can never contain anything other than Domain users.

gam print group-members domain <Your Domain> emailmatchpattern not '^<Prefix to Exclude>.*' memberemaildisplaypattern ".*<Domain To Check>"

Exclude Domain Users

Find group members who are not in your Domain.

gam print group-members memberemailskippattern ".*" todrive

Users not in your Domain and not is groups with a set prefix.

gam print group-members emailmatchpattern not '^<Prefix to Exclude>.*' memberemailskippattern ".*" todrive

Suspended Users still in Groups

Remove emailmatchpattern not '^<Prefix to Exclude>.*' if you do not need to exclude groups with a specific prefix.

gam print group-members domain <Your Domain> emailmatchpattern not '^<Prefix to Exclude>.*' suspended todrive

Print GroupList

Users not in Groups

Change ou_and_children </Path/To/OU> to all users, group <GroupName> as required.

gam config csv_output_row_filter "Groups:count=0" ou_and_children_ns </Path/To/OU> print groupslist todrive

Print Messages


Messages in the last X days, change 8d as needed.

gam user <User Email Address> print messages query 'list:<Group Email Address> newer_than:8d' countsonly

Update Via JSON file

This command can be used to get the settings for a single group.

gam redirect csv ./groups.csv print groups select <Group Email Address> settings formatjson quotechar "'"

Download and make the changes to the JSON file and then upload and run

gam csv ./groups.csv quotechar "'" gam update group ~email json ~JSON-settings


gam redirect stdout ./<File Name>.json info group <Group Email Address> formatjson nousers

gam update group <Group Email Address> json <File Name>.json


Find Groups with External Members

The <Domain To Ignore> is generally your Domain, unless you are running on behalf of another Domain. You may also need to change TRUE to FALSE to see the groups that do not allow external members, but still have them, i.e. the AllowExternalMembers setting was changed after external members were added.

This command will create a CSV of only the Groups that have External Members and will list the members, one per line.

gam print groups matchsetting allowExternalMembers TRUE | gam redirect csv ./ExternalMembers.csv multiprocess  csv - gam print groupmembers group ~email memberemailskippattern ".*@<Domain To Ignore>$"

OR as two separate commands

Useful if you want to run multiple commands on the initial output file e.g. on the ExternalTrue.csv file

gam redirect csv ./ExternalTrue.csv print groups matchsetting allowExternalMembers TRUE


gam redirect csv ./ExternalMembers.csv multiprocess  csv ./ExternalTrue.csv gam print groupmembers group ~email memberemailskippattern ".*@<Domain To Ignore>$"

OR a single command

 To create Google Sheet, one group per line, which will need some filtering. Each group is listed, even if they do not have external members. Also external members all appear in a single cell.

gam print groups matchsetting allowExternalMembers TRUE members memberemailskippattern ".*@<Domain To Ignore>$" todrive


Single Group

With various options, change the italics as needed.

gam create group <Group Email Address> name <Group Name> description <Group Description> gal false showingroupdirectory false whocanadd none_can_add whocanjoin invited_can_join whocanleavegroup none_can_leave whocanviewgroup all_managers_can_view whocanviewmembership all_managers_can_view whocanpostmessage none_can_post archiveonly true

Create Groups in Bulk

Create a groups and add teachers as managers so they can add students as required. Hide from the directory.

Create Groups

gam csv <csv file name>.csv gam create group ~email

Add a member, who will become a Manager.

gam csv <csv file name>.csv gam update group ~email add member <Manager Email Address>

Promote User to Manager

gam csv <csv file name>.csv gam update group ~email update manager user <User Email Address>

Prevent External Accounts sending email

gam csv <csv file name>.csv gam update group ~email whocanpostmessage all_in_domain_can_post

Hide the Group from the Gmail directory

gam csv <csv file name>.csv gam update group ~email includeinglobaladdresslist false

Group Owners

List of Groups where the user is the Owner

For Basic GAM, run;-

export GAM_CSV_ROW_FILTER='{"Owners": "regex:<User Email Address>"}'

then run

gam print groups member <User Email Address> owners delimiter " " todrive

For GAMADV-XTD3 run;-

gam config csv_output_row_filter '{"Owners": "regex:<User Email Address>"}' print groups member <User Email Address> owners delimiter " " todrive


gam print groups showownedby <User Email Address> todrive tdtitle

Without Owners

The todrive option is not needed. If used it will create a Google Sheet as well as the CSV. Change the CSV file names as needed.

NB, when checking the CSV give different results to the Google Sheet. The CSV read commas in the description field and created additional rows.

gam config csv_output_row_filter "OwnersCount:count=0" redirect csv ./owner_less_groups.csv print groups fields name,description ownerscount todrive

Update Group

Single User

The <User Email Address> can be a user or a group. By default Delivery setting is 'All Email'

gam update group <Group Email Address> add member <User Email Address>

From CSV

gam csv <CSV File Name>.csv gam update group <Group Email Address> add member user ~Email

From OU

Choose whether to add an OU or OU and it's child OUs. The NS option will only add Non-Suspended users.

gam update group <Group Name> add member [ou_ns | ou_and_children_ns] </Path/To/OU>

Change Delivery option for user

Stop emails

gam update group <Group Email Address> update nomail <User Email Address>

Receive emails

gam update group <Group Email Address> update allmail <User Email Address>

Add A User with No Email Delivery option

gam update group <Group Email Address> add member nomail user <User Email Address>

Never Logged In

The group you are updating needs to already be created.

gam config csv_output_row_filter "lastLoginTime:regex:Never" print users fields primaryemail,lastlogintime | gam update group <Group Email Address> sync members csvfile -:primaryEmail

Spam Moderation Level

gam update group <Group Email Address> spam_moderation_level [allow|moderate|silently_moderate|reject]

Remove Members

Single User

gam update group <Group Email Address> delete user <User Email Address>

From CSV

Using a Google Sheet listing the email addresses of the users to remove under the Email column.

gam csv gsheet <User Email Address> <File ID> <Sheet Name> gam update group <Group Email Address> delete user ~Email

Update (Settings)


Other options are allindomaincanpost|allmanagerscanpost|allmemberscanpost|allownerscanpost|anyonecanpost|nonecanpost.

gam update group <Group Email Address> who_can_post_message allownerscanpost


For a single group

gam update group <Group Email Address> who_can_view_membership all_in_domain_can_view

Using a Google Sheet

gam csv gsheet <Sheet Owner Email> <File ID> <Sheet Name> gam update group ~email who_can_view_membership all_in_domain_can_view

Groups starting with

gam  config csv_output_row_filter "email:regex:<Starting With>.*@<Your Domain>" print groups | gam csv - gam update group ~email who_can_view_membership all_in_domain_can_view


This setting controls who can view messages. The options are ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_VIEW, ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_VIEW, ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_VIEW or ALL_OWNERS_CAN_VIEW.

gam update group <Group Email Address> whoCanViewGroup ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_VIEW

or, using a Google Sheet

gam csv gsheet <Sheet Owner Email> <File ID> <Sheet Name> gam update group ~email whoCanViewGroup ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_VIEW

Hide the Group from the Gmail directory

gam update group <Group Email Address> includeinglobaladdresslist false

Turn off Directory Sharing for a Group

This is not really needed. This is a global setting rather than a setting per individual. Please see for more info.

gam group <groupname> profile unshared

Update the Delivery & Member settings for Group Members

<Member Type> = owner|manager|member

<Delivery Type> = allmail|daily|digest|none|nomail

gam update group <Group Email Address> update <Member Type> <Delivery Type> <User Email Address>

Update Multiple Groups for a Single User

Create a CSV of the groups, with column name group. nomail can be replaced with other options

gam csv groups.csv gam update group "~group" update nomail <User Email Address>

Update group users using CSV file

Update External members (not sure why I needed this now)

gam csv <CSV File Name>.csv gam update group ~Email allowexternalmembers ~allowExternalMembers

Update the Spam (spammoderationlevel) settings

gam csv <CSV File Name>.csv gam update group ~email spammoderationlevel allow | moderate

Copy Group Settings from another Group

gam csv <student_groups>.csv gam select <student.domain> update group ~group copyfrom <group_with_desired_settings>@student.domain

Suspend a Group| Change Group setting to whocanpostmessage NONE_CAN_POST

There is no way to suspend a Group, so prevent all users from posting to the group. This requires you to have a CSV file of email addresses of the groups you want to 'suspend'. When running this command some groups needed the archiveonly option set to true, this command makes this change to all the groups.

gam csv <CSV File Name>.csv gam update group ~email whocanpostmessage NONE_CAN_POST archiveonly true

Ban Users

gam update group <Group Email Address> whoCanBanUsers OWNERS_AND_MANAGERS

Archive Mail for a specific group

gam update group <group email address> isarchived yes

Archive Mail For All Groups

If you want to ensure all group mail is archived 

gam config csv_output_row_filter "'isArchived:regex:false'" print groups fields isArchived | gam csv - gam update group ~email isArchived true

Or to remove archiving for all groups

gam config csv_output_row_filter "'isArchived:regex:true'" print groups fields isArchived | gam csv - gam update group ~email isArchived false

Moderate Members

Change the <Moderate Option> from one of these options all_members|owners_and_managers|owners_only|none

gam update group <Group Email Address> whocanmoderatemembers <Moderate Option>

Change the email address of a Group (not tested)

gam update group <current email> email <new email>

Who Can Leave

Change the <Leave Option> from one of these options all_members_can_leave|all_managers_can_leave|all_owners_can_leave|none_can_leave

gam update group <Group Email Address> whocanleavegroup <Leave Option>

Include in Global Address List

Change the <GAL Option> to true|false

gam update group <Group Email Address> includeinglobaladdresslist <GAL Option>

Clear (Remove Users)

Change member to owner or manager as needed

gam update group <Group Email Address> clear member

Sync Members from OU

gam update group <Group Email Address> sync member ou "</Path/To/OU>"

Multiple OUs

gam update group <Group Email Address> sync members ous "'</Path/To/OU/1>','</Path/To/OU/2>'"

Update (Users)

User Role

The <Role> needs to be specfied as [Member|Manager|Role]

gam update group <Group Email Address> update <Role> <User Email Address> 

Info about Group Owners, Managers & Members

Add the Owners field to the end of the Google Sheet (or CSV)

gam print groups domain <Your Domain> allfields owners todrive tdtitle "<Your File Name>"

Similarly remove the AllFields option and add owners managers & members or any <GroupFieldName> from this page of the Wiki

gam print groups domain <Your Domain> fields description Owners managers members todrive tdtitle "<Your File Name>"

Create a CSV file for the name description Owners & Members (other fields can be added) where the number of owners is less than or equal to 2. Running this in the Cloud, saves the CSV file in the Downloads folder.

gam config csv_output_row_filter "ownersCount:count<=2" redirect csv <CSV File Name>.csv print groups fields name description Owners Members

Note, when you specify a 'user' field, such as Owners, the output will also automatically include the count of that field, eg OwnersCount.

See the Groups that  User is an Owner

Show and Print give slightly different outputs. Show will indicate the total number of groups the user is in. This will also work for Member and Manager.

gam user <User Email Address> show groups roles owner

gam user <User Email Address> print groups roles owner

gam user <User Email Address> print groups roles owner todrive

See Groups with Members outside your Domain and print the users

gam print groups matchsetting allowExternalMembers TRUE members memberemailskippattern ".*@<Your Domain>$"

Count of Managers & Owners

Change the 0 to the value you want to search for. The example below will show groups without any managers and owners.

gam config csv_output_row_drop_filter "'ManagersCount:count>0','OwnersCount:count>0'" print groups managerscount ownerscount todrive


Single Group

gam update group <Group Email Address> includecustomfooter true customfootertext "<Footer Text>"